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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2009
Quick question about iTunes Match/iCloud Music Library.

Is there anyway to auto-download new music but only in playlists that I previously downloaded on my phone?

So let's say my whole iTunes library is uploaded to Match. On my iPhone, I go in the Music app and download a couple playlists (eg. Favorites). How can I set it up so whenever I add music to those playlists on my computer, they automatically download to the playlists on my device (but NOT automatically download new songs that live outside those playlists)?

I see the "auto download new music" option in settings, but is that an all or nothing thing? Like say I add 100 new songs to my library, 10 of which are in a Favorites playlist. Will all 100 songs then download to my device, or just those 10 if I had previously downloaded the Favorites playlist to my phone?
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