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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 12, 2014
I've been reading up on how iTunes Match and Apple Music work together and I had a few questions.

From what I can tell, say for example I got a new computer, re-downloading my whole library to my local iTunes from Apple Music/iCloud Music Library would download everything that's matched (including tracks that were uploaded), but it would download it as a DRM'd version? So essentially, I'm giving up my rights to my (unlocked) music unless it's on the original computer that I uploaded from?

If that's the case, having an iTunes Match subscription basically removes the DRM factor? So if I download on a new computer, they'll all be DRM free?

What happens if I purchase iTunes Match NOW? I've sorted my library, re-did my whole collection, re-did all my metadata and uploaded it all to iCloud Music Library. Would purchasing Match somehow mess that up? Would it try to re-match everything, despite having already matched to iCloud Music Library?
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