This is the last possibly day for Apple and Tim Cook to release iTunes Match.
is it going to be the last hour possible? 11:59PM PST??? I really want this to happen...
Why is it the last day possible?
If how it has been before the last deletion, then I think if it is late, it will be only by a few days.
Fortunately turning it off hasn't deleted the songs from my iPad...
I hope this doesn't turn into the white iPhone that saw 7 months of delays....
Chill man, they did have a death in the family.
I don't understand why we are letting Apple off the hook. They missed their deadline.... I said it.
Stuff happens it isn't really a big deal. I'd rather wait and get a good product late over a crap buggy one on time.
I don't understand why we are letting Apple off the hook. They missed their deadline.... I said it. Why is that not big news? If Dell or Google did the same it would be headline news... But we are so protective of our Apple/Steve Jobs company that shhhh... Maybe people will forget...
I don't understand why we are letting Apple off the hook. They missed their deadline.... I said it. Why is that not big news? If Dell or Google did the same it would be headline news... But we are so protective of our Apple/Steve Jobs company that shhhh... Maybe people will forget...
So, can people who are/where in the beta talk about it. There are just some details I'd like to know about before signing up when it goes live.
Things like if you have a few tracks misspelled in an album, will it still match the entire album or will it not match the misspelled tracks (therefore only matching parts of an album)? What about tracks you may have edited? I listen to soundtracks and classical a lot and many of my CDs were ripped before the gapless playback feature for mp3s so, I have many tracks that I have combined into one long track so I wouldn't hear the slight pause. Once again, will it just match the unedited tracks in the album or just skip the whole album?
Is there an easy way to tell in iTunes which tracks we're matched vs ones that were uploaded? Once you have gone through the whole matching/uploading process, how does iTunes handle new CDs that you rip and add to your collection (yes, some of us still buy those disc things, especially us movie score fans where many specialty labels, like Film Score Monthly, don't sell in the iTunes Store)? What about tracks that may have not been matched but uploaded due to bad tags or misspelled names, can you correct those errors and then match them instead of uploading them?
These are just some of the questions I have about iTunes Match.