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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2002
i'm just curious ...

i've bought more than $100 worth of dowloads (7 invoices worth), and have yet to pay tax on any of them.

who here has been charged sales tax, and what state do you live in?

i'm in ny.
i think sonce it's online there is no tax, but im not sure. i don't think there are any taxes online at all. i might be wrong though. someone please correct me if im wrong.
Originally posted by bennetsaysargh
i think sonce it's online there is no tax, but im not sure. i don't think there are any taxes online at all. i might be wrong though. someone please correct me if im wrong.

there's plenty of taxes online. currently the law is something like if the company has a physical presence in the state, then sales tax must be applied. I haven't bought from apple, but I would assume I would have to pay sales tax since I live in california.
I live in Indiana, and I've been charged tax on every purchase from the iTunes Music Store. I've downloaded 50 songs, and payed tax on each one.

The tax is added when I receive the invoice email from Apple.
Paid North Carolina sales tax on downloads, and more painfully on the 30 GB iPod. I wonder why New York residents are exempt.

Amazon CFO is quoted today that paying sales tax on internet purchases is inevitable, but not for a while yet.
Originally posted by strider42
there's plenty of taxes online. currently the law is something like if the company has a physical presence in the state, then sales tax must be applied. I haven't bought from apple, but I would assume I would have to pay sales tax since I live in california.
I live in California, and I haven't paid any taxes on iTunes music.
Originally posted by strider42
there's plenty of taxes online. currently the law is something like if the company has a physical presence in the state, then sales tax must be applied. I haven't bought from apple, but I would assume I would have to pay sales tax since I live in california.

That's right on the law. Apple's usual online store charges tax on every purchase, though, regardless of whether it has a presence in the state (they're allowed to do this; the state just can't force them to).

Maybe it has to do with a) the address of your credit card or b) the address you gave them when you signed up. Nothing would prevent you from choosing, say, a state without sales tax, and using that.
Originally posted by Le Big Mac

Nothing would prevent you from choosing, say, a state without sales tax, and using that.
Acutally, the address that you give them must match the billing address on the credit card as a measure of fraud-prevention.
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