I am glad to see most people are pleased with the Music Store service, but I wanted to just say that those of you who have access to this service (U.S. Apple users) and are still ranting about the price of songs (99 cents) and what not, you are a$$holes. The fact of the matter is you can no longer hide behind the guise of, "CD's are too expensive," or "I don't want the entire album" etc. etc. Apple has provided for you an excellent system that is FAIR and copy right rules that are more than fair (hell you can basically do what ever you want with the song). Furthermore, any bugs to be found in the service will be hammered out and songs will be added, increasing the selection. Apple has gone out of its way to get the 5 major record companies on board, not an easy task, and the service lets you actually purchase a song (as opposed to simply renting them). I personally have few complaints and applaud Apple for being revolutionary again. To the point, grow up, and pay for the music.