Okay, Apple is launching an entirely new category of device with the iPad. I get that, but this just means it takes up another slot in the 5 authorized devices that you can sync with iTunes. I wonder if Apple will ever raise that limit a bit?
Come Saturday, I'll have the following devices:
iPod Touch
I also plan on getting a 3G iPad later this month and my wife will use the WIFI model. I guess our only option will be to create a separate iTunes account, but then that's means having to re-purchase all apps, etc for devices synced to that account.
On one hand, I can understand that Apple has to place a limit on the number of devices that can sync the same content. After all, it's actually quite generous that we're able to sync music and apps to multiple devices.
On the other hand, those of us who have quite a few Apple devices and spend gobs of money in iTunes would perhaps like the limit lifted a bit given the increase in Apple devices that are available.
What do you guys think? Am I being too greedy to want a higher sync limit? ;-)
Come Saturday, I'll have the following devices:
iPod Touch
I also plan on getting a 3G iPad later this month and my wife will use the WIFI model. I guess our only option will be to create a separate iTunes account, but then that's means having to re-purchase all apps, etc for devices synced to that account.
On one hand, I can understand that Apple has to place a limit on the number of devices that can sync the same content. After all, it's actually quite generous that we're able to sync music and apps to multiple devices.
On the other hand, those of us who have quite a few Apple devices and spend gobs of money in iTunes would perhaps like the limit lifted a bit given the increase in Apple devices that are available.
What do you guys think? Am I being too greedy to want a higher sync limit? ;-)