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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 24, 2008
Pacific Northwest, US
Hi all,

Long time iTunes / Home Sharing user on Windows so I'm no stranger to screaming into a pillow. I need expert assistance on this. Keep in mind this has been working for years so I'm past disable IPv6, check firewall, AV software, etc. Home Sharing stopped working to all devices (Apple TV, other PCs and Macs) and for a few days I started at the beginning checking everything to see if anything changed. No Windows updates I wasn't aware of in the history, turned off both the firewall and MalwareBytes and Windows Defender, checked the ports were listening in netstat, did an exhaustive check of the network, etc. I found a WHEA event 1 and thought that might be it so did some other checking that now has me scratching my head over a different problem. We'll call this PC the server. It has a wired connection to one ATV and WiFi to the other ATV. I'm ignoring it now based on the new issue I found below.

As a reality check I enabled Home Sharing on the wife's MacBook and as expected it was available on the ATVs and my Windows 10 laptop, but it was not available on the server so I thought I had it whipped (problem with the server), but here's where it gets ugly. As a final test, enabled home sharing on my Windows 10 laptop. It's visible to my wife's MBA, but not the ATVs.

So now I've got a symptom I've never had before. My Windows 10 laptop can share to the MBA but not ATVs. At this point I'm suspicious of Windows 10 because anything Apple is having no issues. I'm going to grab an old laptop and install Windows 10 with no updates to test for no technical reason other than grasping at straws.

I don't have a magic wand so any thoughts are appreciated. Thx.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 24, 2008
Pacific Northwest, US
Turns out CenturyLink pushed a firmware update to their fiber modems and a number of people are having the same problem. mDNS (Bonjour) is not passed between networks so AirPlay is also affected.
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