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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 18, 2014
Hi there,

I've got a small question. I'm currently using the code below to make playlists in Itunes from my music collection. Currently it's naming the playlists as follows:

Would be great if anyone could do a suggestion to change to code below so the folder (and playlist) would be just be called 'disco', instead of what it's right now (see the image for an example).


As you might have read, I'm a noob at this stuff. Would be great if you could share your wisdom to make this world a better place :). Thanks!

property pathsList : {}
global addedFiles
set addedFiles to 0
global root_folder

tell application "Finder"
	set root_folder to choose folder with prompt "Please select directory."
	set root_name to name of root_folder
	tell application "iTunes"
		set root_path to POSIX path of root_folder
		set root_ID to persistent ID of (make folder playlist with properties {name:root_path})
		set holder_ID to my createPlaylistHolder("/", root_ID)
	end tell
	my recurseDir(root_folder, root_ID, holder_ID, false)
end tell

if addedFiles is greater than 0 then
	display dialog "Added " & addedFiles & " songs ." buttons {"OK"}
end if

if addedFiles is 0 then
	display dialog "Did add any songs ." buttons {"OK"}
end if

return pathsList

on recurseDir(parent_folder, parent_ID, holder_ID, stopFolding)
	set item_list to ""
	tell application "System Events"
		set item_list to get the name of every disk item of parent_folder
	end tell
	set item_count to (get count of items in item_list)
	repeat with i from 1 to item_count
		set the_item to item i of the item_list
		set the_item to ((parent_folder & the_item) as string) as alias
		set item_path to POSIX path of the_item
		tell application "System Events"
			set file_info to get info for the_item
		end tell
		if visible of file_info is true then
			if folder of file_info is true then
				set end of pathsList to item_path & "
				set new_playlist_name to name of root_path
				if "@" is in new_playlist_name or "#" is in new_playlist_name or "$" is in new_playlist_name or parent_folder is root_folder then
					set new_parent_ID to my createPlaylistFolder(new_playlist_name, parent_ID)
					set new_holder_ID to my createPlaylistHolder("/", new_parent_ID)
					my recurseDir(the_item, new_parent_ID, new_holder_ID, false)
					set new_parent_ID to parent_ID
					if stopFolding is true then
						set new_holder_ID to holder_ID
						my recurseDir(the_item, new_parent_ID, new_holder_ID, true)
						set new_holder_ID to my createPlaylistHolder(new_playlist_name, parent_ID)
						my recurseDir(the_item, new_parent_ID, new_holder_ID, true)
					end if
				end if
				addSongToPlaylist(the_item, holder_ID)
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end recurseDir

on createPlaylistFolder(new_playlist_name, parentID)
	tell application "iTunes"
			set new_id to persistent ID of (make folder playlist at (some folder playlist whose persistent ID is parentID) with properties {name:new_playlist_name})
		end try
	end tell
	return new_id
end createPlaylistFolder

on createPlaylistHolder(new_playlist_name, parentID)
	tell application "iTunes"
			set theid to persistent ID of (make playlist at (some folder playlist whose persistent ID is parentID) with properties {name:new_playlist_name})
		end try
	end tell
	return theid
end createPlaylistHolder

on addSongToPlaylist(theFile, playlistID)
	tell application "iTunes"
			set thePlaylist to (some user playlist whose persistent ID is playlistID)
			add theFile to thePlaylist
			set addedFiles to addedFiles + 1
			my progressNotice()
		end try
	end tell
end addSongToPlaylist

on progressNotice()
	if frontmost then
		if (addedFiles mod 1000) is 0 then
			display dialog "Added " & addedFiles & " songs so far ." buttons {"OK"} giving up after 10
		end if
	end if
end progressNotice
Take a look at what's happening in the tell application "iTunes" block.

tell application "iTunes"
	set [COLOR="Red"]root_path[/COLOR] to [COLOR="Red"]POSIX path of[/COLOR] root_folder
	set root_ID to persistent ID of (make folder playlist with properties {name:[COLOR="Red"]root_path[/COLOR]})
	set holder_ID to my createPlaylistHolder([COLOR="Red"]"/"[/COLOR], root_ID)
end tell

on createPlaylistHolder([COLOR="red"]new_playlist_name[/COLOR], parentID)
	tell application "iTunes"
			set theid to persistent ID of (make playlist at (some folder playlist whose persistent ID is parentID) with properties {name:[COLOR="red"]new_playlist_name[/COLOR]})
		end try
	end tell
	return theid
end createPlaylistHolder

Why not use one of Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes?

Info : A wide variety of scripts that automate the creation and/or management of Playlists and perform other inter-Playlist activities.
Long story short: this script works way better with another application that's bridged to Itunes (Rekordbox). It's almost perfect, except for this tiny part :).

I found these parts indeed and tried some stuff like root_folder, root_path but I'm totally new to this so not sure what to change. Is it easy?
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