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Kingsnapped said:

This guy (linked by Gizmodo today) is badmouthing iTunes and the iTms because he was too dumb to click 'advanced'>'deauthorize computer'
You'd think he'd learn after the first time. Oh well.

Anyways, I've read that if you ask nicely, Apple will deauthorize all of your accounts and you can start fresh.
I am in the same situation. My girlfriends old imac G4 was authorized on my account, and so was my old emac at work. Traded in my girlfriends imac for an ibook and at work I upgraded my emac to a daul 2gig G5. Wouldn't you know it, I forgot to deauthorize the imac and emac, now I can only play my songs on my dualie G5 at home. I sent in an email to apple today to deauthorize all computers on my account. We will so how it goes, beceause I can't listen to them at work now. But that is not apple's fault, it's mine for not deauthorizing.
Apple tells us that its DRM "keeps honest users honest." I'm a pretty honest user.

unfortunately, even apple can't keep those who do not following simple instructions from using the iTMS...
yeah if you ask apple, they'll deauthorise it all for you, i had them do this a few months back. i was working in a few places and of course i wanted to listen to my songs wherever i was, but you forget to do these things once in a while. i think i phoned them up and they sorted it out right there and then. :)
Laslo Panaflex said:
I am in the same situation. My girlfriends old imac G4 was authorized on my account, and so was my old emac at work. Traded in my girlfriends imac for an ibook and at work I upgraded my emac to a daul 2gig G5. Wouldn't you know it, I forgot to deauthorize the imac and emac, now I can only play my songs on my dualie G5 at home. I sent in an email to apple today to deauthorize all computers on my account. We will so how it goes, beceause I can't listen to them at work now. But that is not apple's fault, it's mine for not deauthorizing.
The two Macs that you traded in, who has access to them now? Would they be able to purchase music on your account since the account is still active?
rather than simply insulting him, have you thought about writing a (polite) message to this guy suggesting him the right things to do? so he can enjoy his music, edit/update his story and stop spreading bad apple rumors.
just a thought
Don't panic said:
rather than simply insulting him, have you thought about writing a (polite) message to this guy suggesting him the right things to do? so he can enjoy his music, edit/update his story and stop spreading bad apple rumors.
just a thought
I've looked for an e-mail address for the author and couldn't find one. Besides, if you look at the other stories on the site, I'm not so sure the story is legitimate. I get the feeling that it's a bogus back story so that he could post the DRM cracking information.

I don't know why I get that feeling, maybe it's the "Hack the Planet" quote.
ftaok said:
I get the feeling that it's a bogus back story so that he could post the DRM cracking information.

I don't know why I get that feeling, maybe it's the "Hack the Planet" quote.

Same here, he deserved a stupid tag. Beit for being ignorant or a mad hax0rz. I couldn't find an email addy for this guy, so I emailed gizmodo with the fact that you can deauthorize computers. Maybe someone should send a link to this thread.
I think the guy has a good complaint here... If I sent my computer into Apple, de-authorizing it would be the last thing i would ever think of. However, it is nice that Apple will de-authorize all your accounts, since thats the simple (and best) solution to this problem.

Kingsnapped said:
Same here, he deserved a stupid tag. Beit for being ignorant or a mad hax0rz. I couldn't find an email addy for this guy, so I emailed gizmodo with the fact that you can deauthorize computers. Maybe someone should send a link to this thread.

so he's either a computer idiot or a computer genius... he sucks either way?

with two clicks i was able to find the guy's contact information. it was on the same page as his bio, which stated that he works for the EFF. with that knowledge in mind, i would have to conclude that his article is partially venting but primarily satirical. he works for an organization that is bound and determined to keep corporate shackles off of software and digital media. his article exists only to spread the word about how stupid and contrived FairPlay is. there's nothing "fair" about DRM. it says it right in the acronym, Digital RIGHTS MANAGEMENT. the only "stupid" thing he did was spending $50 at the iTMS to buy locked music that makes you jump through circles when you want to listen to a song on a different machine.

so how'd i get to his site? 2+2 equals.... the article is signed by Cory, there's a link that says "cory" at the top of the page that goes to his website. you figure it out from there.

whoever started this thread needs to send a resume to FoxNews... you have the biggest information resource in the world at your fingertips, but instead of doing a little research you had a knee-jerk reaction: "this guy isn't as cool or smart as me, i want to share the article with everyone so we can laugh and crack on him." congratulations, you're the Zealot of the Week.
603 said:
whoever started this thread needs to send a resume to FoxNews... you have the biggest information resource in the world at your fingertips, but instead of doing a little research you had a knee-jerk reaction: "this guy isn't as cool or smart as me, i want to share the article with everyone so we can laugh and crack on him." congratulations, you're the Zealot of the Week.

You know what's ironic about that? I'm planning to go to school for broadcast journalism. I'll prolly be sending a resume to FoxNews within a few years. Too bad my title of Zealot of the week can only live on for a few more hours. Thanks for the flame, and congrats on being way cooler and smarter than me.

Excuse me for not seeing a link saying email me or contact me under his article. My drive to contact him wasn't that strong. When you researched his email address, did you send him a polite, well thought out note with your opinion and a solution for his issue?
I posted this story because the Mac Rumors community tends to find articles about people slamming Apple and apple products (for no good reason) entertaining. It's pretty simple to de-authorize your computer, espcially if you've spent enough time in iTunes to spend a lot of money. That is why I called him a stupid man. If you want to come up with another headline for this thread, be my guest.

it's not like you linked to a Paul Thurrott article - you just made fun of the guy for not understanding something. i was going to accuse you of acting like a high school bully, but then i read your blog and saw that you actually are in high school. i see you like to make fun of people on your blog too, i guess this is just your everyday pattern of behavior.

> did you send him a polite, well thought out
> note with your opinion and a solution for his issue?

yeah, actually i did. the main reason i read this forum is to help people out and share my experiences with Apple.

> I posted this story because the Mac Rumors community
> tends to find articles about people slamming Apple and
> apple products (for no good reason) entertaining.

so what - some people are entertained by watching others get humiliated and rejected on national TV. frustration with DRM is a pretty good reason to write an article. as for bashing Apple products, a guy that states "Wherever I go, I leave a wake of Apple customers behind me" is only going to complain when he has a good reason. besides, he works for the EFF... like i said before, it's quite possible that he knew exactly how to fix the problem but wanted to write an article so that other people can see how frustrating Digital Rights Management is for regular people. he expected his Mac to "just work," and it didn't. whether the solution was simple or not, you made yourself look like a real jerk by standing back and making fun of him instead of trying to lend a hand.

so, keep jumping to conclusions... maybe you'll get that job at Fox after all.
boohoo, call apple like i did and have all your computers deauthorized the next day, simple as that.

603 said:
i guess this is just your everyday pattern of behavior.
Well, I guess that means all of us jump to conclusions occasionally.

603 said:
the main reason i read this forum is to help people out and share my experiences with Apple.
Just like everybody else here. If you think I'm here to piss people like you off, feel free to browse my 250+ posts. I'm here for the same reason, excuse me for submitting an article about a guy ranting itms' (fair) fair use policies.

603 said:
I see you like to make fun of people on your blog too, i guess this is just your everyday pattern of behavior.
I'm sure whenever you see someone setting themselves up for a joke, you think WWJD? every time. Calm down and quit trying to be some voice of reason. I already explained that I posted this thread because he was badmouthing Apple, when in fact, the solution to his problems were right in front of his face. That is the truth, and that was the point of this thread before you came to talk smack about me. I don't see why you're so quick to defend this guy when it's obvious that he was looking for an excuse to rant. If he really left a 'wake of Apple users in his path' and spent that much money on itms, he would have been a little kinder to a restriction put on purchaced music to keep it's value for super-users like him.
603 said:
don't you have some homework to do or something?
It seems pretty clear that you've degraded to trying to flame me because I don't agree with you. If you really came to this board to share your great knowledge of Macs, you would bite your tounge and stop checking this thread. If you want a flamewar, visit Plenty of discussions to disagree with people, and you don't even have to put on a front about "helping people out."

Unless you have something (new) to add about fair-use or itms, please go away.

edited for capitalization error...
I had this problem myself. I emailed apple and they deauthorized all the machines for me, but advised that next time I should do it before I sell my machine.

This is crazy though. What if my system crashes? What if my machine is stolen? What if....?


Seems like they're just creating more work for themselves.
MacVault said:

Say I authorize my powerbook to play the purchaced music, put all my tunes on it, then never connect it to itms (assuming that's what you mean) again. How could it be remotely de-authorized? itms has no way of knowing that the powerbook was de-authorized, and iTunes on the PB has no way to be de-authorized. The only way this could work, would be to go on the book and connect it to itms to be de-authorized. Kinda defeats the point if you ask me.
Hope that was kinda logical... :D
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