For sometime now i've been transitioning all my media files into iTunes.
Of course all my music is housed in iTunes, along with my Podcasts; my main source of video entertainment aside from movies themselves. I have about 40 movies in iTunes and a few TV shows. iTunes is slowly becoming my media hub. As a college student I have also an array of iTunesU content and of course apps.
Regarding books themselves I mainly have the free downloads from the iBookstore...and being able to have PDFs in iBooks is a godsend. It appears that PDFs are saved into iTunes so theoretically I can delete my "PDF Folders" folder in my Macs' Documents folder and still have access to them all, just now all in iTunes; when I click on any particular PDF book in iTunes, Preview opens up.
I have about 5GB worth of PDF files that contain some interest; whether they be university related, work related, randomly saved PDFs and eBooks in the Documents folder on my Mac. So would it now be a good idea to delete that folder knowing iTunes has them all. Afterall, I don't keep all my GB's of music in another folder on my Mac aside from the one housed in the iTunes application/folder right?
Of course all my music is housed in iTunes, along with my Podcasts; my main source of video entertainment aside from movies themselves. I have about 40 movies in iTunes and a few TV shows. iTunes is slowly becoming my media hub. As a college student I have also an array of iTunesU content and of course apps.
Regarding books themselves I mainly have the free downloads from the iBookstore...and being able to have PDFs in iBooks is a godsend. It appears that PDFs are saved into iTunes so theoretically I can delete my "PDF Folders" folder in my Macs' Documents folder and still have access to them all, just now all in iTunes; when I click on any particular PDF book in iTunes, Preview opens up.
I have about 5GB worth of PDF files that contain some interest; whether they be university related, work related, randomly saved PDFs and eBooks in the Documents folder on my Mac. So would it now be a good idea to delete that folder knowing iTunes has them all. Afterall, I don't keep all my GB's of music in another folder on my Mac aside from the one housed in the iTunes application/folder right?