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Dino F

Original poster
Sep 16, 2010
Croydon, South London, UK
iTunes.jpg screen has been like this for the pastv hour!!

I also did a backup before trying to update to iOS5 - don't understand why that backup took a matter of minutes and now its taking over an hour?!
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What do you have on your device. Some games are HUGE! Also the servers are just a little bit busy right now and I suspect that thing will calm down in a few weeks.
....maybe you're right!

The biggest game I have is Infinity Blade which shows its over 500mb?! Also have some other bigggies - Another World, Flashback + some others + qute a bit of music!

I take it this is normal then?! after 2 hours (and still going), I'm now getting this:


.My phone is still connected but does not show syncing on its screen?! Whats going on??
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Windows has always been slow to backup with iTunes. Most likely cause is the file system.

iOS5 has a tiny spinning sync dodad now beside the WiFi indicator.
I used wifi syncing for about 30 minutes before ditching it and going back to USB. It's a novel idea but wired is always better than wireless.
On my wife's computer, backing up her iPhone or iPad is an exercise in patience as well. I'm not sure why it takes so long, but its aggravating especially when its so much quicker on my mac.
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