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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 28, 2010
northeast Florida
The video for things in Itunes keep freezing up. I let video podcasts load up, they go a bit, sometimes for 15 minutes max, then freeze. Then they won't restart or anything. I rented a movie on itunes, played it, and it froze halfway through. It would not let me go forward via chapters (skip over the frozen part), etc. I repayed from several previous spots, and it always froze in that one spot. I pause the vids on itunes even, to let them load more, but if I do, often they won't ever play again. Answers? I tried resetting to factory settings, but it did nothing. Regular audio podcasts are fine, just the video. Is there some proper way to load them up first? Help!
I had a music video in a playlist that froze today. When opening from the iPod app it was frozen video, but audio was working. Going out of iPod app, and into video app fixed it. Weird, took a while to figure it out.
So you got an itunes podcast video to work? Or did you go to a webpage of the podcast in safari, and open it there? Thanks for any help! I am leery of renting another itunes movie now, though.
can I reset anything to help get me to where iTunes video and rented movies will play properly? I went into video but saw nothin there, what have I missed?
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