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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 16, 2014
I have tried googling for this, but can't find anything. So I started wondering, if I was the only one with this problem.

Everytime I add a track to a playlist in iTunes, regardless of the method, the view of my albums keep jumping to the top.
I have a small video to show what I mean: scroll jump

I am interested in hearing from other who might have the same issue, or maybe how I can stop this from happening.

I am running OS X El Capitan, 10.11.3, and the latest version of iTunes 12


macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2005
Reject Beach
No, it's not just you. This behavior is beyond obnoxious. I use my iTunes main screen in playlist mode displayed as songs (a view similar to older versions of iTunes) and have the same problem. Even if I've searched for an artist and have both an artist and album selected in the column browser so just a single album's songs appear on the screen, as soon as you leave that view by selecting or creating a playlist or even inserting a CD and then going back to your main library view, the view resets to show your entire library and it places you at the top of the list. iTunes 11 exhibited some of this behavior (the main view would reset on CD insertion in some instances), but I discovered after my recent upgrade to iTunes 12 that this now happens every single time you leave the view.

I'm going through a lengthy process of re-ripping my 3000+ CD collection with XLD and trying to rip and make library edits at same time is ridiculously frustrating. It's clear the folks responsible for iTunes don't really use the program for managing their music collections. Countless times I've wished for the iTunes development team to be horsewhipped naked through the streets of Cupertino.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 16, 2014
Thanks for your reply. I was beginning to think I had a serious problem. Turns out, iTunes does.
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