For music I've gotten from my PC friends(always causing trouble...[playful sarcasm]) the files often don't have complete id3 tags, and it's a pain in the neck to have an organized library. I found an apple script (sorry, don't remember where) that lets me take files where all the information is in the file name and take stuff between dashes and put it in the right place, but it isn't great. It only does it starting with the first item, and parsing it down, but sometimes things are out of order, and also, you can't do track number (or anything after it) unless you do it by the individual song, instead of the album. Any solutions? I really wish there was a way, and there probably is but I can't find it, to just fill in something and fill down. Autofill is too slow, because you still have to select the file name individually. Any suggestions, please tell me, because otherwise I'm going to have to organize a 19 CD set of Mozart into volumes, and I'm not looking forward to it.