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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 28, 2007
So, at my office, I plug in my Iphone and open Itunes and go to "My Music" under my Iphone (under "devices"). I can see my songs but they are greyed out and I cannot click on any of them to play them.

I synced the songs from my home computer, so the original media does not exist on my office computer, which means I cannot play them via the "My Music" area under the Playlists section, but they are absolutely on my Iphone so you would think that Itunes should be able to play them from the Iphone.

Any ideas why I cannot play them via Itunes?

Thanks in advance
You cant. Why? Not sure why Apple removed this feature. Its not available under 1.1.1 either.

Well, that stinks :)

I do have the latest Iphone software and latest Itunes software. It's hard to believe that I would have to hook the Iphone up to speakers to play it as opposed to just playing it through my computer speakers via itunes.

Thanks for the response.

If anyone else has any ideas, I'm open to them.
i found the answer

ok so i was having the same problem, and you described it better then i could so i copy and pasted your question a much better forum i use, and i got the answer...

click on link, i tried it and it works!!!!! and see below if you don't want to click link

Hey there Jennifer actually i know what your problem is there is only one fix for this please go to your installer application ... for copywrite purposes with the iphone apple has disabled the feature to play any songs off of your iphone itself in itunes there is though a work around this it is called Swap Tunes
In your installer go to the list of all applications and search for it in the "S" section they are arranged by alphabetical order scroll till you see it and then install it !! now when you plug in you will be able to chose manually manage your music in itunes just like if you had a regular ipod. NOW you will be able to play the songs off of your iphone in itunes ... as well it allows you to sync your iphone to 2 separate computers and have almost like 2 playlists ... you will then be able to switch back and forth whenever you want ... any more questions please feel free to ask here !
any answer to this yet? I'm wondering the same thing.

As far as I can tell, the post above is not an answer. It would work if you had installer on your iphone, which I believe means you have to jailbreak or whatever your iphone...which I have not done.

Any workaround that does not require jailbreaking the iphone?
doesn't do it

all this appears to do is create a second library which you could then sinc with the second computer, but it still does not allow you to play the songs from your collection on other computers

it requires sincing and rebooting your iphone and it messed up all my icons

then I got into a situation where I can see all the songs in itunes but cant play them, and on the iphone "ipod" app the playlist is empty. So now I am in the worst of all possible worlds... no music anywhere

please correct me if I'm wrong!

abother creative solution to play your home playlist at work

some smarty pants at modmyi did this:

"I copied the two files "iTunes Library" and "iTunes Music Library.xml" from the iTunes folder under My Documents from my PC at home (where I do all my music management) and overwrote the same two files on my Mac at work.

Now I can plug my iPhone into my work computer and have full access to it. No more music grayed out!

I think I'm the last person to figure this out. Decided to post about it, in case there are others. :p"

I have not tried it buts it brilliant simplicity stokes me... and the audacity of mixing a pc library with a mac one, wow!

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