I'm running iTunes 4 on an iBook and I just got a new 10gb iPod. My problem is, when I plug in my iPod, the computer itself recognizes it, but it doesn't show up in the "Source" bar of iTunes, so I can't transfer any music. I've tried restarting, plugging in the iPod then running iTunes, running iTunes then plugging in the iPod, etc etc, but nothing seems to work. It's only worked once, and that was the first time out of the box.
The one time that it did work, I turned off the option to auto-run iTunes when the iPod is plugged in. Is it possible that this has something to do with my problem? If that's the issue, the problem is that I can't change the options unless iTunes recognizes the iPod.
The one time that it did work, I turned off the option to auto-run iTunes when the iPod is plugged in. Is it possible that this has something to do with my problem? If that's the issue, the problem is that I can't change the options unless iTunes recognizes the iPod.