Just got an old 3rd gen ipod, need to load up with my tunes.
I heard you could drag and drop, super easy, but can't seem to find a way? Is this possible???
Failing that I was going to get itunes (i don't normally need it).
I am running somona on my 2012 15 inch.
It has both Sonoma and Catalina... works a charm..
Can anyone advise how I can get tunes on my new ipod??
I heard you could drag and drop, super easy, but can't seem to find a way? Is this possible???
Failing that I was going to get itunes (i don't normally need it).
I am running somona on my 2012 15 inch.
It has both Sonoma and Catalina... works a charm..
Can anyone advise how I can get tunes on my new ipod??