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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
I decided that it would be safer for me to revert back to Mac OS X 10.2.6 from the pulled 10.2.8. I also reverted my Safari back to v85 from v85.5. I didn't have any problems with Mac OS 10.2.8, but I thought I should go back anyway just to reduce the risk of future problems. I am waiting for a fixed 10.2.8 to be released; after that happens I will update.

Anyone else gone back to 10.2.6, either because of trouble or because of feeling bad about using a buggy Mac OS X version?
well after watching as the mac goes i realize its never a good idea to be first with these updates because they almost allways have a few issues,allways better to wait & see what kind of problems pop up before jumping on the update bandwagon. also reading some reviews before hand is wise. looks like apple didnt do all their homework on 10.2.8.
I don't plan to revert back to 10.2.6. I'm even thinking of upgrading my iBook with 10.2.8...unless something happens to my Cube running 10.2.8.

Other than the initial dock scare, 10.2.8 seems pretty functional. I had a little trouble with my printer, but that got fixed.
I'm contemplating it, but I'm holding out for a fix. The problems I'm having aren't serious enough to warrent spending the time on it. If I get some spare time then I will revert to 10.2.6.
I've been using 10.2.8 on both of my machines (iBook and iMac) since the day it was released, and no problems. So, heck no, I don't want to deal with reinstalling 10.2.6. Apple should have a "fixed" 10.2.8 any day now (and hopefully iCal 1.5!).
Shortly after my last post I realized I had Backup problems as well, then boot issues when I restarted. I went back to 10.2.6--fairly painless process and all problems have ceased.
not sure whats going on, my battery wont charge on my PB 1Ghz G4 since I updated 10.2.8. It might be a coincidence, just down dated to 2.6 and will see what happens. bit of a bugger, the machines not even a year old yet....
i had serious problems with 10.2.8 with my 700 iBook. after the restart, my dock was gone, and then i restarted again and i couldn't get past the blue startup screen (the one after the grey Apple logo screen). then i booted into unix and saw that all of my Finder files were gone (WTF?). ended up doing an archive and install with Jag, updated everything via software update, and now everything is peachy. a little tentative about downloading apple's "new" update, whenever that may be...

reverted back to 10.2.6, no luck the battery is still dead. Cloning my desktop. Gonna use 10.2.8 sit tight and wait for a fix. Gonna have the battery checked out later on tonight, with a friends PB Ti. Hope my battery is not dead. :(
I have just gone back to 10.2.6 and everything at the moment is great. The battery is in great condition as well, i lowered EVERYTHING and got initially 35791394:07 hours then it went to 8.14 then to 6.16 and now its...4.06 and holding.

So success all round!
i am sorry for all those who had problems with 10.2.8

personally, i waited to see what would happen and never ended up downloading it, but without some people willing to take the risk, no one would ever get any updates installed. i hope that none of the problems are permanent, and that they are all resolved quickly.
Finally today my battery started to recharge, At least its recharging, thats good. But I went back to !0.2.8 things seem good except the battery life..
I've had the opposite experience with 10.2.8 than most of you. I've noticed some improved performance in Photoshop, and the GUI in general.
i just wanted to throw in that i have 10.2.8 on my pb 12 inch 867 and am having no problems at all. obviously i have no reason to switch back.
Revised 10.2.8 released - this thread no longer has a purpose

I have installed the revised 10.2.8 and all problems have gone (which there weren't many). This thread is no longer needed. Arn, are you listening?
Since I installed 10.2.8, I've gotten a kernal panic once every two days on my G4, which is not a good thing. I just reinstalled 10.2.6, hopefully that'll take care of it. Of course, Panther will solve all problems....:p
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