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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2006
Charlotte, NC
The recent "Mac Wall" thread got me thinking about something I did a while back. I did this about a year and a half ago and don't think I ever posted it here. My inspiration came from another thread of someone here who did something similar. So let's take a look...

First of all, the room started out a nasty dark blue color. We painted the whole room a nice medium gray before starting with the outline of the Apple logo. To get the logo on the wall I had some transparencies made with the Apple logo. I then borrowed a projector from our church's private school and projected the image up on the wall and traced the outline with a pencil. Then we simply started filling it in with glossy white paint.

Keeping the strokes even with a smaller paint brush proved very difficult. So that we could get the evenness of a roller, I opted to use very, very small pieces of painters tape around the entire outline. By doing this, I was able to simulate the curvature and safely use a roller.



And a close-up:

And finally, the finished product:

Overall, not too bad. I'm still not too happy with the left side. Outlining it with the small pieces of tape was extremely time consuming and I got in a hurry, and started using pieces of tape that were too big. As a result, that side looks a little bit more "blocky". But it's not super noticeable unless you are really looking for it.

My setup doesn't look anything like that now though, as I don't have that Mini or the Cinema display anymore (I've now got a Core 2 Duo Mini and Dell 2209WA). I've also got an L-shaped desk now that's in the opposite corner.

But I still love my Apple logo. :)


macrumors 68000
Jan 17, 2008
Seaford VA
I think I'm going to paint a huge Zune logo on my wall. :p

Oh, that's pretty cool, too. I would have painted it the rainbow colors, though. But cool, nonetheless.


macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2008
Much rather have it laser cut out of Acrylic, would of been more than the paint, but looked A LOT better, and been movable.

You need to finish it off properly.


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2008
Fix a big sheet of paper on your wall over the current logo, project the logo again and this time outline it on the paper. take the paper of the wall, cut the inside of the logo of the paper and fix it on the wall again. Then simply paint the inside.

Similar to the old thread you posted.
Should fix the edges..


macrumors regular
Apr 7, 2006
it's a little much imo, but you should have stenciled it. It could have also been cool if it had a dripping paint effect.


macrumors 68030
Jan 2, 2009
thats pretty cool. now mode your doorbell so when you press the button you hear the apple startup -----"bong".


macrumors 68020
May 26, 2006
New York, Baby!
When I was about 6 years old, my mum painted a "Super Mario Brothers" mural on my bedroom wall, with Mario in mid jump... Then when I was about 11, in a different house, she painted an England Football badge and the PlayStation logo. So I can appreciate the hard work you went through for this.

You could have painted the Apple logo in the middle of a white ceiling with those grey walls and it would be like you lived inside a huge Mac Mini!


macrumors 65816
Jan 30, 2009
That's Awesome! I'd do something like that here but my roommate is just shy of having me committed and I wouldn't want to rock the boat.


macrumors 68020
Oct 30, 2006
Im sorry but that's just sad, you have the logo of a computer company painted on your wall.

At least it can be painted over. Not so much with this person inking the logo to their chest :rolleyes:

OP, looks like the top is slightly larger than the bottom? Did we forget to adjust the image to be non-trapezoid?
It looks good though, you're braver than myself :eek:


macrumors 65816
May 10, 2009
Last part of my case project will have the Apple logo inside the Superman insignia--I understand your obsession quite well maybe its time for us to start a support group LOL
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