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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I'm really beginning to regret going with Nikon these days, for two main reasons. One is that Canon's offerings in the form of the 40/50D are priced lower than the D300 while offering real world performance that's pretty close, and also because Canon lens selection is wider and also tends to be less expensive.

I could deal with that if my D300 just worked as it was supposed to. Unfortunately, despite having already been back to Cameta/Nikon for servicing, I think they just put it in a circular file and returned it to me after a month, having done nothing to fix it.

Just today, I was taking some sports pictures, and my lenses kept backfocusing and sometimes not even focusing at all in the actual image, despite the camera being focused in terms of what I saw through the viewfinder (i.e. person in focus in viewfinder, person out of focus on the display after the shot). I took several shots in a row of someone in the outfield that was standing completely still in bright sunlight (i.e. fast shutter speed) and the camera repeatedly gave me out of focus images. I couldn't post them even if I still had them because the subjects are minors, but I hope you can take my word for it. Other shots gave me similar results. I used both C and S focus modes, and fiddled around in general, but the results were always inconsistent at best.

Frustratingly, sometimes my D300 works as it's supposed to. I feel like I'm good enough to know when it's me and when it's the camera, and I'm almost certain it's the camera, particularly as it's already been found in need of service once before by a professional and sent back to Nikon.

At any rate, I love the D300 for what it can be, but I'm not too fond of my actual D300 these days. It has around 14,000 clicks on it now, and given that I can't actually be sure if it's in good technical condition, I don't even know if I could sell it.

Anyone willing/able to talk me off a ledge here?


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2008
Area 51
There isnt to much room for suggestion here.
Your either going to try and have your camera repaired again
or you can purchase a new camera. Maybe of a different brand.

I'd say go check out some Canon's (Let the flaming begin!! :rolleyes: )


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
Sorry to hear about the problem you are having with your D300. It's supposed to be a very nice camera. Why not sending it back to Nikon for repairs? You could always ask other Nikon users about their favorite Nikon repair facilities, and give one of those a try. If you already have a few Nikon lenses, you may want to stick to your D300, or at least have it repaired, and then sell it and upgrade to an equal body. Canon L glass is plentiful, but some can be quite expensive, too.

The problem with your camera could also be the lens. Did you send both to Nikon for calibration? Not all Canon cameras have "micro adjustment" like the 50D. On this one, you can adjust the lens and camera yourself, but not the 40D. If my 40D ever is out of calibration, I would have to send it to Canon. A good thing about Canon shops is a fast turnaround time.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2005
I think it's clear...your d300 needs a trip to the repair shop. As good as the 40D *is*'s not a d300. Neither is the 50D... which I don't feel is quite as good as the 40D in some respects.

Speaking of camera issues....Canon would be the LAST place I would want to go as of late. Canon just threw out yet ANOTHER fix attempt for the 1dsmklll / 1dmklll focus issues. The 5dII has live view problems, etc.

Send in your cam to NIKON...not cameta! ....and back away from the ledge my friend :)

James L

macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2004
Not to take anything away from your frustration, but you do know there is someone, somewhere, on another forum right now complaining about their misery with their Canon camera and thinking about moving to Nikon.

There are millions of satisfied Nikon shooters out there, and I'm sure some frustrated ones such as yourself. The exact same thing could be said for Canon users. It's hard not to think the grass is greener on the other side when you are having problems, but there is every possibility if you move to Canon you could have the same problems too.

It sounds like you may have a lemon, which you can get from every brand. Good luck figuring it all out!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I think part of my frustration stems from having sent it out once to Cameta (the retailer) so that it could go back to Nikon, and I didn't have it for a month (almost to the day). From what I can tell, either nothing was done or some stuff was fixed (it seems to be better at tracking subjects, but it's hard to tell) while other stuff was untouched.

It also cost quite a bit to ship out the first time, and if I had to repeat that again, we'd be talking somewhere in the neighborhood of $150-175 for two repair trips (with packaging, decent shipping time and insurance).

I used both my lenses I had on hand to test things out, and the two seemed little different from each other. I don't think it's the lens, because in Program mode my 80-200 did great (just as it did in October under similar conditions), but in Aperture priority it gave me almost constant out of focus images. Not blurred, just out of focus or backfocused. If it was the lens, I imagine it just plain wouldn't work at all under any setting.

My only hope is that maybe it's the age of the lenses. One is an 85mm AF (non-D) and the other is the 80-200 AF-D. I don't think that's it, though.

Back in January, I rented a 70-200 2.8 to see if an AF-S lens would result in better images, and the answer was "no." Same problems, and it first went off to Tempe Camera to get checked out, and then off to Nikon. I don't really want to spend more money to verify that again.

At any rate, I just want my camera to work. I don't know what my options are. I don't think I can sell it, but I don't think Cameta will be too willing to give me anything or help me out at this point. Or would they? I have no idea.

Also: After returning from Nikon, the camera completely died on me twice (one of those times was upon first starting it up again after unpacking it). No power (despite a good battery) at all. It somehow revived both times, but it's more evidence of trouble.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
Chestnut Tree Cafe
The D300 is the best camera I have ever had. I haven't had one problem with it and I don't coddle it at all. With the grip that makes it 8 fps and the 70-200VR 1.4 TC I got a great sports camera. It is also great for everything else, but sports is my interest.

I know Cameta sells new and refurb Nikons. One of my friends bought refurb from them and had problems. I always spend the extra couple of hundred bucks and get brand new. I only had to send one thing back to Nikon (a lens for focus problems) in the 8 years I have used Nikons. I got it back fixed and looking new in less than 2 weeks. Nikon, to me, is the best. Canon people will say the same for them.

I'm guessing yours is a refurb which is why you have to deal with Cameta directly and not Nikon. That might be your problem.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2007
SF Bay Area
I used both my lenses I had on hand to test things out, and the two seemed little different from each other. I don't think it's the lens, because in Program mode my 80-200 did great (just as it did in October under similar conditions), but in Aperture priority it gave me almost constant out of focus images. Not blurred, just out of focus or backfocused. If it was the lens, I imagine it just plain wouldn't work at all under any setting.

The exposure mode should have absolutely nothing to do with how a lens focuses. Have you set up your own focus tests to analyze the behavior on your own? This PDF file has a chart and some discussion on how to use it: I am also not familiar with Cameta, other than their being an active seller on Ebay. Have you tried sending the camera directly to Nikon for evaluation?

Can't help you with Nikon lenses being expensive. I'm currently jonesing for a 300 f2.8, so I understand your pain. Photography isn't an inexpensive hobby.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
There is a very good chance that nothing is wrong with the camera and the problem is with the lens.

Yes I've had problems like you describe. Turned out the the pentaprism needed an adjustment to a shim to make the path the the foocus screen and film the same. This was a 1950's vintage Exacta.

What you might want to try is a local repair shop. Then you could talk to the technician.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
Why change brands just because you got a lemon? It's unfortunate, but can happen with any company.

Regarding lenses: what lenses are you missing exactly that Canon has, but Nikon doesn't?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
There is a very good chance that nothing is wrong with the camera and the problem is with the lens.

Yes I've had problems like you describe. Turned out the the pentaprism needed an adjustment to a shim to make the path the the foocus screen and film the same. This was a 1950's vintage Exacta.

What you might want to try is a local repair shop. Then you could talk to the technician.

Tried that already. They examined it and had me pick it up and send it off to Nikon.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Yes you really need to send it to Nikon. I believe you'd be sending it to Torrance CA. The fact is, my D300 is great. I wish I used it more, but that's not a repair issue. Nonetheless, you could go to Canon and experience issues as well. I understand you believe that Canon has a wider lens offering that are cheeper, but start pricing pro glass all around, don't focus on this ******** budget lens crap. Then make your decision because quite frankly, investing in budget lenses is a waste of your time.

Back to your repair issue. How many times has it been documented that you have had it repaired? I believe the Lemon Law extends to AZ. I would certainly check into that and see what happens.

I am very sorry to hear of your issues and more importantly sorry it has brought you to this point. I, however, would not really consider moving to Canon for this reason as Canon can't guarantee me perfection either.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I'm guessing yours is a refurb which is why you have to deal with Cameta directly and not Nikon. That might be your problem.

In my case, it's a demo, not a refurb. Had about 500 shots on it when I got it.

Yes you really need to send it to Nikon. I believe you'd be sending it to Torrance CA.

It went off to New York last time. Should it not have gone there? That's where Cameta is based, but they also told me Nikon is located very near them.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
The recent 1DsIII AF fix isn't necessary for all cameras. A few folks were experiencing issues, and so Canon is taking no chances and offering a free fix to anyone who wants it. Mine works just fine, as do the Mark IIIs of everyone else that I know.

Dropping a lot of coin for any camera body makes us want a perfect product. I definitely hear your frustration. If you do want to jump ship, having it serviced - and then selling provides a good marketing point ("thoroughly checked and brought up to spec by Nikon") etc.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
Chestnut Tree Cafe
I'm guessing yours is a refurb which is why you have to deal with Cameta directly and not Nikon. That might be your problem.

In my case, it's a demo, not a refurb. Had about 500 shots on it when I got it.

Yes you really need to send it to Nikon. I believe you'd be sending it to Torrance CA.

It went off to New York last time. Should it not have gone there? That's where Cameta is based, but they also told me Nikon is located very near them.

I was always thought if you bought refurb or a demo from Cameta (or any dealer), Nikon gives you a 90 day manufacturers warranty only (unlike Apple who gives their refurbs a full year manufacturers warranty). I thought Nikon views the refurb and demo as the same thing. I know Cameta gives you the 1 year warranty after the 90 day Nikon warranty and from what I was told, they have an in-house repair facility to cover it. If they can't do it then they might send it off to Nikon on their dime I guess. All I know is my friend bought a slightly used one from Cameta and had problems with them. As I said before, on bodies I always spend the extra couple of hundred dollars (if buying an expensive body which this is pretty expensive) for the peace of mind knowing I'm getting the full manufacturers warranty. I also bought the additional Nikon manufacturers warranty for only $39 (great deal from Arlington Camera--learned about that deal on Nikonians) which extended the warranty to 3 years. I hope I never have to use it, but $39 is nothing when I spent so much for it. Once again if you buy, used, refurb, demo, you don't have this option.

The reason I ask is why would you deal with the place you bought it (if it is after the return window). I bought my D300 from J&R and if something goes wrong I contact Nikon and not J&R.

If I'm right then maybe Cameta is using their in-house repair facility to "fix" yours and that is where the problem is. They may claim to be having Nikon fix it, but I can't imagine sending it to Nikon a few times and getting it back broke again and again. If so, you are one unlucky person. When I had to deal with Nikon directly for that one issue I had with my lens they always informed me of the progress when I called them and I had it back looking/working like brand new in 2 weeks which is pretty fast.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I got it in September, so my 30 days ran out long ago. I didn't have it looked at until January.

If I send it directly to Nikon, I'll pay a lot. If I have to ship it to Cameta again, I have to pay a lot in shipping still. Either way, it seems like I'm stuck with a lemon.

I don't see a solution that doesn't involve a lot of money, on top of what I have already paid.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
Chestnut Tree Cafe
I got it in September, so my 30 days ran out long ago. I didn't have it looked at until January.

If I send it directly to Nikon, I'll pay a lot. If I have to ship it to Cameta again, I have to pay a lot in shipping still. Either way, it seems like I'm stuck with a lemon.

I don't see a solution that doesn't involve a lot of money, on top of what I have already paid.

It is actually 90 days and I changed my above post before you posted this to reflect that. Unfortunately you are still over the 90 days.

If I were you I would call Cameta and at first be nice. Explain to them all the trouble you have experienced. They will tell you to send it in again, but try to get them to pay for shipping both ways because of the trouble you had with it. If that doesn't resolve it, then you can either let them have it (stop being nice) or find another repair facility to handle it (at your cost which sucks).

I hate to hear about your troubles with this great camera (I'm assuming it is the camera--I think you said it has done the same thing on multiple lenses). I hope you get it resolved to your satisfaction.


macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2009
I have about 7k shutters on mine and it still works like a beauty... Not sure what's up with yours...

You can definately sell it still, no worries. Its a solid dslr. Could always downgrade to a D90, works just as good if not better. Or perhaps upgrade to D700 for some FX goodness which would be much more suitable for your needs (sports/action).


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
Chestnut Tree Cafe
I have about 7k shutters on mine and it still works like a beauty... Not sure what's up with yours...

You can definately sell it still, no worries. Its a solid dslr. Could always downgrade to a D90, works just as good if not better. Or perhaps upgrade to D700 for some FX goodness which would be much more suitable for your needs (sports/action).

D700 isn't better in good light outdoor sports when you have to shoot at a good distance away from the subject(s). That is where a fast fps DX will beat it/excels (which is what I primarily shoot). Low light outdoor/indoor (where the D700 performs like a champ) it is better. It is a great camera though, but is better be for $2300-2700.

He can sell it if fixed. If not he won't get that much at all for a broken camera. If it is fixed to his satisfaction, I'm assuming he wants to keep it because he said he thinks it is a great camera when working properly. Which it is.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2007
SF Bay Area
I got it in September, so my 30 days ran out long ago. I didn't have it looked at until January.

Since you bought it as a demo, your warranty appears to be with Cameta and not Nikon. According to their web site, they extend the warranty to 1 year on demo units. However, they don't appear to have done right by you so far.

If I send it directly to Nikon, I'll pay a lot.

If you send it directly to Nikon, you pay shipping to El Segundo. They diagnose the camera and send you an estimate. If you decline the estimate, then you pay return shipping. Frankly, based on Cameta's success so far I'd be inclined to bypass them this time and go straight to Nikon. Once you get the estimate from Nikon, get on the phone to Cameta and see what you can get them to do. If they want to do right by you, then they should comp the Nikon repair.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2008
Chestnut Tree Cafe
Since you bought it as a demo, your warranty appears to be with Cameta and not Nikon. According to their web site, they extend the warranty to 1 year on demo units. However, they don't appear to have done right by you so far.

Which is what I said above in my post. Thanks for repeating it though. ;)
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