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macrumors 68020
Dec 27, 2006
Get a smaller card. Get maybe 4 1 gig or something. In MY LIMITED expierence I found that the bigger the card the slower it reads and writes and uses more battery. Also could possibly be cheaper. But that could just be my camera.

Maybe someone else could shed more light if this is accurate or not.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I'm actually still considering the 50mm depending on my budget. See I am not working right now. My parents don't want me to buy it until i get another job. I think I will apply for a job (I know I will get it) before I go on vacation in 2 weeks and put the time I can start after my break (I'm going on vacation). So I can have a camera to bring with me.

I think my lens is gonna come off ebay with a one year warranty.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Twin Cities, MN
I have the stock 18-55mm 3.5-5.6g ED lens for my D50. What difference would getting the 50mm f/1.8 make? Why would I want that one over mine? Sorry for the hijack, just wondering why you're going for that one over the one I have? Thanks


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I'm actually still considering the 50mm depending on my budget. See I am not working right now. My parents don't want me to buy it until i get another job. I think I will apply for a job (I know I will get it) before I go on vacation in 2 weeks and put the time I can start after my break (I'm going on vacation). So I can have a camera to bring with me.

I think my lens is gonna come off ebay with a one year warranty.

Frankly, I'd take the 50mm first, then see if you want another lens that is long or wide. It's super cheap and gets you to practice good shooting habits first.

As far as the size of the CF card, larger doesn't make a difference in write speeds. You want a card that is 80x or faster. (I've had great luck with 8GB and 4GB Transcend cards from The only thing to remember is that if your card craps out on you, it might be better to have a few backups. Some people would rather have four 2GB cards than two 4GB cards for that reason. I've never had a Transcend card fail on me -- I use two 4GB and two 8GB cards because of the massive files sizes of the Canon 5D. Just make sure it is fast enough for your camera. A 4x card on Ebay might not be expensive but you'll severely hamper the camera's performance.

I have the stock 18-55mm 3.5-5.6g ED lens for my D50. What difference would getting the 50mm f/1.8 make? Why would I want that one over mine? Sorry for the hijack, just wondering why you're going for that one over the one I have? Thanks

The 50mm f/1.8 is ridiculously sharp, end of story. :D

Shuffling your feet and exploring how to frame different shots instead of (what can be a dangerous lazy habit) of relying on a zoom lens is the upshot.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Nikon D70s
Nikon 18-70mm zoom lens
and 4gb Cf card from ebay
and possibly a hard case from ebay

Sound good to you people?

I like this kit. Personally I would stick with this lens; and down the road get the prime - or put it on your birthday wish list. :) If you're only going to have one lens at the start, this zoom will give you all sorts of flexibility.

The only prime I've bought so far is the 35mm, which I picked over the 50mm (unfortunately doing so required paying a $200 premium). Primes are great, very useful lenses; but not nearly as adaptable as a zoom.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Nikon D70s
Nikon 18-70mm zoom lens
and 4gb Cf card from ebay
and possibly a hard case from ebay

Sound good to you people?

You shouldn't buy it.

I mean really, would you really change your mind if anyone said that and meant it?
Doubt it.
Good luck with your new stranger-approved camera set up.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Just buy the kit, but without the 4GB CF card, and get a couple of 1 GB cards instead. You'll be able to take plenty of photos using just a 1 or 2 GB card, even in RAW.

Don't buy a single card, and then get angry if the card fails and you have nothing else to use.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Nope, I made sure it is a good card. It is a CF 4gb sandisk extreme III.

As for the lens I might probably go with the 50mm.

If all your pictures are on one card and it fails, you lose all your pictures. If all your pictures are on one card and you erase it, you lose all your pictures. If all your pictures are on one card and you lose it, you lose all your pictures...

See the trend?

The equipment looks good, pick up the 50mm later, it's cheap.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
Nope, I made sure it is a good card. It is a CF 4gb sandisk extreme III.

Unless you are shooting in extreme weather, there is no reason to spend the extra for the extreme cards over the ultras.

<snip>You want a card that is 80x or faster. <snip>

The write speed won't matter in camera, only for transferring the files. The cameras simply arent able to write at that speed.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Nope, I made sure it is a good card. It is a CF 4gb sandisk extreme III.

As for the lens I might probably go with the 50mm.

That's a great card but you're paying a premium for speed you won't likely use. The D80 would be more likely to take advantage of the write speed.

The Ultra II cards will do just fine and I'd suggest getting 2 - 2 GB cards, just in case something happens to one, you'll have a spare.

The rest should be good enough for most anything you'd want to do.

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
If all your pictures are on one card and it fails, you lose all your pictures. If all your pictures are on one card and you erase it, you lose all your pictures. If all your pictures are on one card and you lose it, you lose all your pictures...

See the trend?

The equipment looks good, pick up the 50mm later, it's cheap.

Remember the "old" saying ..... Never put all your eggs in one basket. :eek:

Much better with a few smaller cards than 1 big one.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The D80 doesn't take compact flash.

You're kidding, right?

Bousozoku was talking about speeds, not the type of cards. And he's right about the D80 taking better advantage of the Extreme III's speed than a D70s.

lmao I might have changed my mind, but I know it is a good camera. Just looking for second opinions lol.

No offense, but next time, you don't need to update us. If you're looking for advice, then OK. If you buy it, then fantastic. Post about it along with some of your first photos. I'm sure we'd love to see it. But if every member here posted a thread every time they had a thought or brain fart, this place would be full of threads that nobody can help you with (and full of threads nobody wants to read).
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