I've been trying for a few days to upload a site but every time i do iWeb freezes/not responding and i have to force quite. Anyone having similar problems. Any ideas on why this is happening.
I get that sometimes but it usually unfreezes after a while. How long are you leaving it and how big is the upload? Do you eventually get a dialogue box telling you why it might have crashed?
I get that sometimes but it usually unfreezes after a while. How long are you leaving it and how big is the upload? Do you eventually get a dialogue box telling you why it might have crashed?
i let it go for about 20 mins or so.... for that time.. my computer runs like crap and i just get the beach ball. I don't get any error messages or anything...
Okay. Sometimes certain pages in an iWeb site get corrupted and crash iWeb. Try uploading a new iWeb site to see if that works so we can narrow it down to a problem with iWeb or with your site in particular. If it does work, upload a page at a time (or a section, depending on how big your site is) to see if you can find a corrupted page.
well i got it work after about 2 hours of uninstalling/reinstalling. I quite out of every application, safari, itunes, adium etc. and just let it go over night. And to my excitement it worked!
I have another question though, when i uploaded the site it says my .mac membership will expire. I want to re-new, but i plan on buying an iMac in Aug. Now with every new computer purchased you save like $30 or whatever. If I buy an iMac and .mac with it, can i keep my user name and just apply the discount?