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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 16, 2006
whilst goin through the programs on my macbook I came across iwork, but it asks me for a serial number or is a thirty day demo, do i actually have to pay to use this program. should it not be free with the computer?

It's exactly as it says. You get a 30 day trial, then the option to buy afterwards. Depending on your needs I'd recommend it, if only for the ability of Keynote. Pages is also good, but Keynote is currently the star.
Yes, you have to either buy a boxed copy, or a serial number online.

Or if you are a pirate, there are ways to, ummm, aquire a serial number online with the help of a certain very well known search engine. But it is of coarse very illegal.....
What you get.

Think of it this way - instead of packaging iWork with the computer and making you purchase iLife (iPhoto, iWeb, iMovie, etc.), Apple chose to package the latter with the computer and to allow you to then purchase the "productive suite" that you prefer (MS Office, iWork, etc.). They do give you TextEdit as a free word processor.

There's really no "should it not be" about it - in any situation, you pay for the specs shown on the box. It should say "iWork Trial" on the box (or in the online specs), if even that. Otherwise, it shouldn't be expected. Just as you wouldn't expect MS Office to come pre-loaded on a computer unless you saw it listed on the box.

I guess my point is, don't let this specific thing spoil your new computer experience or your feelings toward Apple. In no way were they attempting to mislead you into believing you'd have a full, free version of iWork with your purchase.

May your computer bring you much happiness!!!

(And, iWork is definitely worth the price - in my humble opinion - though others will and do disagree.)
dextertangocci said:
Or if you are a pirate, there are ways to, ummm, aquire a serial number online with the help of a certain very well known search engine. But it is of coarse very illegal.....

eewwww.....better run & hide now, the forum police (as well as those guys in extremely black suits w/ BIG, strange-looking weapons) will be after you soon :D
jsalzer said:
Think of it this way - instead of packaging iWork with the computer and making you purchase iLife (iPhoto, iWeb, iMovie, etc.), Apple chose to package the latter with the computer and to allow you to then purchase the "productive suite" that you prefer (MS Office, iWork, etc.). They do give you TextEdit as a free word processor.

There's really no "should it not be" about it - in any situation, you pay for the specs shown on the box. It should say "iWork Trial" on the box (or in the online specs), if even that. Otherwise, it shouldn't be expected. Just as you wouldn't expect MS Office to come pre-loaded on a computer unless you saw it listed on the box.

I guess my point is, don't let this specific thing spoil your new computer experience or your feelings toward Apple. In no way were they attempting to mislead you into believing you'd have a full, free version of iWork with your purchase.

May your computer bring you much happiness!!!

(And, iWork is definitely worth the price - in my humble opinion - though others will and do disagree.)

No it has not spoiled my mac experience in any way, my mac is soley for music production and that takes place over any thing, i have had my mac book now for nearly two months and, i am now only beggining to explore the other options outside logic, that was all
i played with iwork for a while, and it was really nice. however, i already bought office:mac so there was no need to purchase iwork. i need to be able to produce and view ppt presentations, so i had to stick with the microsoft version. if i didnt already have it... i would have stayed with iwork
dextertangocci said:
iWork is 99999999999999999999999999999999 times better that Office;)

oh trust me... i know. but i tried making a presentation with keynote, and it wouldnt open in powerpoint. so i'd be screwed if i made a project with keynote, then not able to view it in class to give the presentation. had to stay with office:mac
d wade said:
oh trust me... i know. but i tried making a presentation with keynote, and it wouldnt open in powerpoint. so i'd be screwed if i made a project with keynote, then not able to view it in class to give the presentation. had to stay with office:mac

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