This forum has been a great help as I have been transitioning from the PC world to my new iMac that I have had for a month. I have started using Safari (instead of Firefox) to get use to the Apple apps. But I have stayed with Entourage instead of Mail just because I am so familiar with Outlook (I haven't even looked at what Mail offers--guess I should?). I bought Office for Mac as soon as I received my Mac thinking I will just use what I am familar with. Yesterday I was just browsing at the base exchange and the Apple rep was there and I had questions on Office and he said he just uses iWorks--showed me why he uses it so I thought, why not. For the price it will be interesting to try it out. So my question---what are the thoughts of iWorks--expecially Pages--the word program versue Word for Mac. Which should I spend time learning?