So my big plan to avoid the 75 dollar a month at&t BS is to:
Buy a "Go phone" and activate its unlimited data for $20 a month.
Then i thought i'd buy a 3g iphone off ebay.
Then buy a skypeIn number and buy the 3 dollars a month unlimited plan
This is where my plans get fuzzy
Will I be able to use skype effectively purely as my iphone?
Which iphone should i purchase off ebay, already unlocked?
What unlocking methods should i use, what alternative apps should i download, IS THIS DO- ABLE?
I've been reading a lot of reviews and cant seem to get a straight answer, especially concerning the new OS 3.0?
Any Help would be Much Appreciated
Buy a "Go phone" and activate its unlimited data for $20 a month.
Then i thought i'd buy a 3g iphone off ebay.
Then buy a skypeIn number and buy the 3 dollars a month unlimited plan
This is where my plans get fuzzy
Will I be able to use skype effectively purely as my iphone?
Which iphone should i purchase off ebay, already unlocked?
What unlocking methods should i use, what alternative apps should i download, IS THIS DO- ABLE?
I've been reading a lot of reviews and cant seem to get a straight answer, especially concerning the new OS 3.0?
Any Help would be Much Appreciated