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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 16, 2001
Dublin, OH
I know you can do the UNIX start up if you hold down keys, but is there any way that Jaguar can always do it? It seems to load faster on my G4 when I do the UNIX way. Is this possible? Thanks, Kevin
Origionally posted by someone i can't remember along time ago:
hey i just thought i'd post this for any UNIX junkies out here. i know i've always gotten a wierd satisfaction watching my linux boxes boot in a pure text fashion. now i have the same on my mac.

sudo nvram boot-args="-v"

that will do it for you and now your mac will boot with the cool quasiretrofuturistic textmode.

sudo nvram boot-args=""

turns it back off.
You enter the commands mentioned in the, enjoy :)
hey thats pretty spiffy. just thte thing to further confuse some of the local wintel users. :D

one strange thing tho, when booting up, a line says:

Radeon8500: using AGP

...tho i have a 1ghz TiPB with the radeon 9000. any ideas? i figure since the r9000 is esentially a faster r8500 chip, the firmware or video bios still says radeon 8500. hmm.
Off-topic but kinda related.

If I make a mistake putting my username and password in the login screen for OS X it crashes me out to a command line login.

Does anyone know if this is a 'feature' or a bug? I posted a bug report with Apple back before 10.2 but it still does it.

Also, anyone know how to start up Aqua without having to do a reboot?

Originally posted by i_b_joshua
Off-topic but kinda related.

If I make a mistake putting my username and password in the login screen for OS X it crashes me out to a command line login.

Does anyone know if this is a 'feature' or a bug? I posted a bug report with Apple back before 10.2 but it still does it.

Also, anyone know how to start up Aqua without having to do a reboot?


That's definitely a bug. It should just "shake" the login screen if you mistype something.

If you log in at the command line, and then "exit", it should automatically restart Aqua. (Unless the bug prevents it from doing so.)
Originally posted by edesignuk

You enter the commands mentioned in the, enjoy :)

i love you man.

i know, i know, i'm not getting your bud light, but still.

[edit] prolly has to do with the 'tar, too. speaking of which, i am 20 posts away from my own :) [/edit]
Originally posted by szark
If you log in at the command line, and then "exit", it should automatically restart Aqua. (Unless the bug prevents it from doing so.)

Funny. Every time it's happened I've done a 'reboot'.

Thanks for that. Saves plenty of time on my slow ol iBook.

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