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question fear

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 10, 2003
The "Garden" state
Hey all-

I am looking into whether I can make my iPhone more useful for what I need using a jailbreak. Here's my issue: I need alarms for tasks, otherwise I forget. I just get easily distracted, and having alarms that I can snooze and return to pretty much makes me the most efficient I can be.

I tried with a clean iPhone, but having to jump through hoops (emailing tasks to myself, trying to check the list a few times a day) just didn't do it for me. I switched to a Samsung Epix, and as an organizational tool it is a godsend.

But I still have my iPhone and like using it as an iPod/web tablet, and a tinkering tool. So it's jailbroken now...and I'm just curious if jailbreaking can help me get the same alarm functions...I know about backgrounder, but are there any task/to-do apps that work with it?

(And yea, the alarms are basically my biggest thing. Here's an example: Had a meeting for the rugby team the other day. We decided I'd email the club's executive director about a dues question. When the reminder went off the next morning about it, I'd totally forgotten I'd agreed the night before to do it. Without the alarm reminding me, I wouldn't have gotten it done.)
I use the iPhone with Microsoft Exchange... basically this means that I sync all of my calender stuff with my gmail account. So I can edit it on my computer or my iPhone and the information will push it to the other (automatically syncs both as soon as you save the edit). It works perfectly for me.
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