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Alexander Chentsov

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 8, 2020

I installed checkrain, then installed tweaks. All worked great, but one time I reloaded my iphone 6 and jailbreak died. I reinstalled checkrein and all worked great. A few months later I this situation happend again, but at this time I couldn't reinstall checkrain again. Then I installed unc0ver, but it didn't work fine, so I wollowed to the instructions from the internet and made re-jailbreak with unc0ver with tweaks turned off, but then iphone reloaded and i cant open unc0ver. then i successfully installed checkrain, but AppCake and unc0ver didn't opening, so I deleted them. Now my phone is jailbroken, but tweaks are off. I downloaded AppCake again but it tells "cant install appcake", so there is a question: how to turn my tweaks on using only checkrain and cydia?


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Since iOS 9.2 jailbreaks have been what you call semi-untethered. That means, every so many days you have to reinstall the jailbreak tool and then rejailbreak. Unless you have a developer account, or never restart your phone, this is the case.

That's why you had to keep reinstalling checkra1n.

Now, you went an installed unc0ver on top of that. That's a big mistake. You mixed TWO jailbreaks that use different exploits together. Basically, you ****ed up your device and now you're asking how to make it work right with your tweaks. Unless you find some brilliant JB dev that can unravel and fix this for you - you're stuck, or heading to a restore.

Lastly, no one is going to help you here with Appcake. That's a JB tweak designed to allow you to illegally download App store apps and in-app purchases without paying for them. That's against the rules here on MacRumors.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I agree that the OP needs to restore…and restore as "new". Restoring from a backup will bring all the messed up jailbreak stuff with it.

By the way, Checkra1n doesn't have to be redone unless the equivalent of a shutdown occurs…it doesn't have to be redone "every so many days".


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
By the way, Checkra1n doesn't have to be redone unless the equivalent of a shutdown occurs…it doesn't have to be redone "every so many days".
Yeah, you're right. I conflated checkra1n with some other jailbreaks that require you to use your Apple ID.

That said, most people reboot their phone periodically. I'm thinking OP probably assumed he had a untethered jailbreak, which checkra1n is not.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2013
Portland, OR
You could try to go into the Checkra1n app icon and tap restore system. Then install Checkra1n again. You will need to install all of your tweaks again. Just remember if you let your device die or reboot, you have to load Checkra1n again. If it is rebooting by itself, then it’s probably because you used AppCake and downloaded a pirated tweak. I suggest not using pirated tweaks ever.
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