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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 1, 2007
Phoenix, Arizona
Do you have to jailbreak your phone on the same machine you have your iTunes account set up with? Such as I have a co-employee with a 3G iPhone who wants to jailbreak it. They use Windows at home. I run Leopard on my iMac.

Could I jailbreak their iPhone for them on my machine using Pwnage? I am assuming not as when they would go back to their Windows machine, it would not function with iTunes.

I just wanted to check this out and see what I could find out. I have just recently jailbroke and unlocked (I think) my wife's old 2G phone with iTunes 8 and v2.1. From what I have read though, there has been no release of a jailbreak for 2.1 on Windows, correct? Only 2.0.2 and older to this point?
No. I am the only Mac user here at work. I have pwned or JB over a dozen iPhones for my co-workers. All of them including myself are Windows user at home. So I pwn all their iphones on my Macbook and they all sync with Windows itunes at home.
you should be able to jailbreak it ... I mean you don´t buy the iphone formatted for a os so it should workshouldn´t it ? or you could jailbreak his phone, and give him the custum ip because once pwned you can just put the new firmware on thru itunes so if the pc says it can´t be used he just uses his custom firmware ... but i think you´ll have to rename it ...
you should be able to jailbreak it ... I mean you don´t buy the iphone formatted for a os so it should workshouldn´t it ? or you could jailbreak his phone, and give him the custum ip because once pwned you can just put the new firmware on thru itunes so if the pc says it can´t be used he just uses his custom firmware ... but i think you´ll have to rename it ...

even if that's to say that they are using iTunes 7.5.x with firmware 2.0.2 on Windows and my iMac has iTunes 8.0?
even if that's to say that they are using iTunes 7.5.x with firmware 2.0.2 on Windows and my iMac has iTunes 8.0?

Yes this will work. I use Windows but I can boot into Mac OSX on my PC. I got tired of waiting for the windows version of QuickPwn so I used the Mac version and it worked fine. I don't believe there is a connection anymore with iTunes with this latest version.

Of course, once they are on 2.1 they will need iTunes 8 as it does not work with previous versions.
Yes this will work. I use Windows but I can boot into Mac OSX on my PC. I got tired of waiting for the windows version of QuickPwn so I used the Mac version and it worked fine. I don't believe there is a connection anymore with iTunes with this latest version.

Of course, once they are on 2.1 they will need iTunes 8 as it does not work with previous versions.

Thanks! I think I'll give this a try if they decide to let me take their phone for the weekend.
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