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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2009
Erie, PA
i have always jailbroken my iphone .. but today was the first bad experiance

it was very easy to jailbreak..but if you download anything with mobilesubstrate it will crash your springboard .. and i deleted winterboard and it still didnt fix the crash.. and i had to restore.. twice.... i jailbroke twice and every time i did so it just made it so i had to restore .. and boot up took like 3 times longer than normal... so its kind of pointless for me if i cannot customize my iphone... i will wait untill it gets worked out..very sad.. and before anyone says you dont know what your doing..i have been jailbreaking since the 1x firmware..
You're saying that after a fresh restore, your 3GS still boots 3 times longer than normal? That's odd cause it should wipe any trace of jailbreaking.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

That's because the geohot jailbreak, according to saurik (the guy who made Cydia and MobileSubstrate and Winterboard) isn't fully patched. So lots of things will be broken. ;)

I'd suggest waiting for the Dev Team jailbreak, but I guess it's too late for that. Good luck!
no its fine now..i am back to factory settings... everything is fine now.. i will wait for the dev teams jailbreak i guess.. o well..
I have a Jailbroken 3GS, and for me, this was by far the easiest jailbreak ever. I'm sorry you're having bad luck with it.

With my jailbreak, my boot time from power button to lock screen is 24 seconds. Not much of a difference then before. This time was recorded with a stop watch.
Of course the beta is going to be etchy. He even reminded us in his post that the software is in a beta stage, meaning it isn't done yet. Just wait for Geohot to fix it up or wait for the Dev-Team to release in a few days. (Surprised they haven't already since Apple can find the exploit now.)
it was very easy to jailbreak..but if you download anything with mobilesubstrate it will crash your springboard ...
Not true. I'm running Mcallshow and mcleaner with no problems on my 3GS. Both of those apps use mobilesubstrate.
Not true. I'm running Mcallshow and mcleaner with no problems on my 3GS. Both of those apps use mobilesubstrate.

yes it is true..and its a known winterboard then come talk to me
Obviously it takes time for programs to be updated and patched.
The Jailbreak is not a failure, winterboard does not work at them moment.
Im having no problems with my 3GS's jailbreak. I dont need winterboard but everything else is nice. Just waiting on a tricker3g update.
You cant expect all developers to update their apps within minutes of the jailbreak. If you have researched before you wouldnt have installed winterboard and wouldnt have this problem.
yes it is true..and its a known winterboard then come talk to me

No. You said anything with mobilesubstrate will crash springboard. That's not true. Both MCleaner & MCallShow use mobilesubstrate and they work just fine. Winterboard may crash, but it's not because of mobilesubstrate.
No. You said anything with mobilesubstrate will crash springboard. That's not true. Both MCleaner & MCallShow use mobilesubstrate and they work just fine. Winterboard may crash, but it's not because of mobilesubstrate.

Oo ****. This thread = FAIL.
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