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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 20, 2008
New York, NY
So I'm thinking of jailbreaking my 3gs. I jailed broke my 3g and exerienced a lot of freaking lag. I had winter board, sbssettings And backgrounder on my 3g. But my question is will I still have the stupid lag on my 32gb?
You will have a bit of lag, but a lot less, it might now even be noticeable. The 3G S has a lot more ram to play with. I would try it and find out for yourself. I heard from others that backgrounder works great.

What about sbs settings and status notification? Will that still screw me over.
The more apps that use MobileSubstrate that you have will slow down the phone. I have a 3G and personally only use BossPrefs, I think SBsettings is unnecessary IMO.

Thanks for the quick replys, the only reason why I like sbs settigs was b/c I can hide it. Bossprefs would be sweet of I can just hide it.

Big difference between the 3G and 3GS.
You probably wont notice much lag if any.

well, see it depends,

i myself have a 32gb 3gs

my buddy has a 16gb 3gs

now he runs FULL blown themes which i think are the dumbest thing ever and my phone is WAY faster then his..

i have safari download manager, music controls, ifile, winterboard, bossprefs, sbsettings and a bunch of others and i dont notice much lag now on his phone there is lag when switching between programs but thats because he has his phone loaded down with all kinds of dumb **** which i feel makes the phone look TERRIBLE. not only that but his battery sucks!
I have a lot of JB apps on my phone, but I stay away from Winterboard and anything that requires it and my phone feels just as fast and I get just as good battery life. There's probably a slight difference but nothing noticeable. I once had Winterboard installed along with some other crap and I did notice a very tiny bit of lag, but my battery life was outrageous. If your fine with not changing your themes, I'd stay away from Winterboard. The only visual modification I have done is changing the carrier name and adding the 5 icon dock.
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