well your post is absolutely useless and annoying. i hate when people who have got no idea try to be mac rumours pros , i know i need to use quickpwn but i think there is NO version for mac capable of jailbreaking beta 5 at the moment
"You may have seen other “hijacked” versions of QuickPwn out there, but all of them are buggy, none of them work on OSX " from DevTeam Blog
Any version of iPhone/iPod touch up to 2.2.1 can be jailbroken with Quickpwn (asides from iP2g, which needs Redsn0w). As of right now if you read on here it will say that they are not releasing a jailbreak for any of the betas, because last time apple almost 9 betas for OS 2.0, so they are only releasing a version of Quickpwn for the final version of 3.0. So we will all have to wait until June for that.