Heh ho
after waiting god knows how many months before Jailbreaking the bug finally bit me yesterday
Read all the instructions carefully. (And thanks to spinstorm for the great guide.
I used pwnagetool and all went well.
"Easy as pie", I thought.
Got my settings all nice and restored. Excellent. Except well, except there was no sign of O2. Jailbreaking had turned my iPhone into an iPod Touch.
I could go wild and install and customise to my heart's content unless I wanted to make or receive a simple phone call.
Took the Sim card out And the iPhone recognised that a sim card had been removed so I replaced it nothing. Plugged it into another Mac. No sign of any O2 network connection.
Still not giving up I rebooted again, cursed, prayed, hopped around mad stood outside in the street waving the phone in the vain hope of catching a signal nothing helped.
In the end I was forced to go back and do a wipe and restore.
And here I am again back at square one: plain old vanilla iPhone. Nothing special, but at least I can make a damn phone call!
I would dearly like to give Jailbreaking a try again but do I have another 4 hours to waste?
Any hint as to what I did wrong although, trust me when I say I followed the instructions to the last letter.

Read all the instructions carefully. (And thanks to spinstorm for the great guide.
I used pwnagetool and all went well.
"Easy as pie", I thought.
Got my settings all nice and restored. Excellent. Except well, except there was no sign of O2. Jailbreaking had turned my iPhone into an iPod Touch.
I could go wild and install and customise to my heart's content unless I wanted to make or receive a simple phone call.
Took the Sim card out And the iPhone recognised that a sim card had been removed so I replaced it nothing. Plugged it into another Mac. No sign of any O2 network connection.
Still not giving up I rebooted again, cursed, prayed, hopped around mad stood outside in the street waving the phone in the vain hope of catching a signal nothing helped.
In the end I was forced to go back and do a wipe and restore.
And here I am again back at square one: plain old vanilla iPhone. Nothing special, but at least I can make a damn phone call!
I would dearly like to give Jailbreaking a try again but do I have another 4 hours to waste?
Any hint as to what I did wrong although, trust me when I say I followed the instructions to the last letter.