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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 19, 2007
Novi, MI
I have really been against jailbreaking my iphone but now there are some things that i really want to change. mainly i would like to alter the look of the sms bubbles. i dont want to put a ton of unnecessary stuff on my iphone. i am going to use redsn0w to jailbreak it, but there are a few things i want to know.

1. do i need to install cydia. the sms bubbles can be changed via ssh from what i have read so i want to know if i need cydia installed to use ssh.

2. will this clutter my spring board with unnecessary crap like cydia, installer, open ssh, all that crap?

thanks for any help
1. I believe cydia has to be installed to install openSSH, and yes you can change the bubbles through SSH, that is how I changed mine.

2. Installer isn't installed on phones by default anymore during the jailbreak process, and openSSH doesn't have an icon.
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