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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
i own an iphone 3g, i just installed 2.2 update from apple.
i have some questions about jailbreaking.

-do i need a wi-fi connection and or a computer to jailbreak my iphone?
-what about the appstore, can i still install apps from the app store after i
jailbreak my phone?
-what about future updates from apple, like i just connected my iphone
to my macbook pro laptop went into itunes and installed 2.2
-what about syncing w/ itunes, like if i want to sync music or video
will i run into any problems with syncing after i jailbreak?
-will jailbreaking effect my apple warranty?
-how easy is it to return the settings of my iphone after jailbreaking?
-any one experience problems, or weird behavior after jailbreaking?

features i like about jailbreaking
-viewing local files w/ mobileTerminal or Term-vt100
-video recording
-i don't know if it is possible to write programs with an app like mobileTerminal or Term-vt100? but i would like to be able to write small programs like 'hello world'.

advice on jailbreaking a good site to help me jailbreak?
i own an iphone 3g, i just installed 2.2 update from apple.
i have some questions about jailbreaking.

-do i need a wi-fi connection and or a computer to jailbreak my iphone?I did my JB on WiFi and 3G without interruption, b/c I was riding in my car at the time.
-what about the appstore, can i still install apps from the app store after i
jailbreak my phone?App Store is not a problem; you should be able to download and update App Store apps w/o issue.
-what about future updates from apple, like i just connected my iphone
to my macbook pro laptop went into itunes and installed 2.2
-what about syncing w/ itunes, like if i want to sync music or video
will i run into any problems with syncing after i jailbreak?No problems.
-will jailbreaking effect my apple warranty?Just make sure you restore/DFU and your 3G iPhone should return to factory settings w/o evidence of a JB
-how easy is it to return the settings of my iphone after jailbreaking?Pretty easy, I just did it as a test while running 2.1 JB and again when I did 2.2 JB
-any one experience problems, or weird behavior after jailbreaking?I noticed a bit of a lag in some apps but they've all pretty much operate at normal speed if not faster than 2.1 JB

features i like about jailbreaking
-viewing local files w/ mobileTerminal or Term-vt100
-video recording
-i don't know if it is possible to write programs with an app like mobileTerminal or Term-vt100? but i would like to be able to write small programs like 'hello world'.Keep checking other threads and you'll find your answers to these concerns.

advice on jailbreaking a good site to help me jailbreak? this is a great website, one that I've used for 2.1/2.2 JB

Hope this helps...
What about updates from apple?
Like I am wondering if I jailbreak
my iPhone and apple comes out
with an update will I be able to
install, or would I even want to
install the update? Also what about
using the developer tools on my
laptop, would jailbreaking effect
the developer tools which I would
use to write programs for my
i own an iphone 3g, i just installed 2.2 update from apple.
i have some questions about jailbreaking.

-do i need a wi-fi connection and or a computer to jailbreak my iphone?
-what about the appstore, can i still install apps from the app store after i
jailbreak my phone?
-what about future updates from apple, like i just connected my iphone
to my macbook pro laptop went into itunes and installed 2.2
-what about syncing w/ itunes, like if i want to sync music or video
will i run into any problems with syncing after i jailbreak?
-will jailbreaking effect my apple warranty?
-how easy is it to return the settings of my iphone after jailbreaking?
-any one experience problems, or weird behavior after jailbreaking?

features i like about jailbreaking
-viewing local files w/ mobileTerminal or Term-vt100
-video recording
-i don't know if it is possible to write programs with an app like mobileTerminal or Term-vt100? but i would like to be able to write small programs like 'hello world'.

advice on jailbreaking a good site to help me jailbreak?

To answer your questions:

- You do not need Wi-Fi to Jailbreak but you most certainly need a computer

- Yes, you can still install apps from the Appstore

- If you wish to install any updates you may but you will have to re-Jailbreak after doing so

- Your phone will sync as it normally does after Jailbreaking

- Yes, Jailbreaking voids your warranty for the iPhone (as per Apple's website. But it only voids the warranty if the find out you Jailbroken)

- It is simple to return your phone to factory settings after a Jailbreak. You just do a full restore.

- This is a difficult question to answer. The short answer is yes. People experience all types and varieties of issues. And some people have no problems what so ever. I strongly suggest you do a search here on Macrumors if this is a concern for you. There are plenty of threads that address your question.
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