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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 9, 2009
Hi everyone,

Sorry to make my first post immediately a question, but I'm about to go out and get myself a white 16GB iPhone 3GS tonight. I have many questions regarding jailbreaking. (Hopefully my cohesive writing will convince you to answer my seemingly noobish questions =D).

1. Can I restore my iPhone to it's original, Apple-ified state anytime I want to (Say, if I want to take it down for repairs or something)? If I decide to do that, do I need to take it down to get it reactivated or something?

2. Is there a chance of the phone getting bricked while jailbreaking/jailbroken? My Macbook Pro already got bricked once (after updating to 10-5-7) and I'd like to avoid another fiasco like that.

3. Not sure if I'm allowed to ask this (please delete if not, moderator), but does having a jailbroken iPhone allow me to install torrented iPhone apps?

4. Can I still use the iTunes App Store/Music Store and sync as normally after having jailbroken?

5. Is there anything I should be wary about regarding jailbreaking the 3GS as it is relatively new?

6. What are the disadvantages of jailbreaking?

Thank you so much!

Now playing: 09. Franck - Panis angelicus
via FoxyTunes
1. Yes

2. Very slim chance but you can always put your phone in DFU mode and restore if it happens. One in a million chances

3. Yes but it is encouraged that you support developers and pay for your apps

4. Yes

5. Not really

6. A little slow down but not noticeable on the 3gs
Battery life is a factor too.

Please note that.

Some reference: ""
Hi everyone,

Sorry to make my first post immediately a question, but I'm about to go out and get myself a white 16GB iPhone 3GS tonight. I have many questions regarding jailbreaking. (Hopefully my cohesive writing will convince you to answer my seemingly noobish questions =D).

1. Can I restore my iPhone to it's original, Apple-ified state anytime I want to (Say, if I want to take it down for repairs or something)? If I decide to do that, do I need to take it down to get it reactivated or something?

Yes. Just hit Restore in iTunes.

2. Is there a chance of the phone getting bricked while jailbreaking/jailbroken? My Macbook Pro already got bricked once (after updating to 10-5-7) and I'd like to avoid another fiasco like that.

No. If the rare event that it happens, its very fixable.

3. Not sure if I'm allowed to ask this (please delete if not, moderator), but does having a jailbroken iPhone allow me to install torrented iPhone apps?

Yes, it will, but as an honest user, you should not torrent/pirate apps.

4. Can I still use the iTunes App Store/Music Store and sync as normally after having jailbroken?


5. Is there anything I should be wary about regarding jailbreaking the 3GS as it is relatively new?

Be sure to have your iBEC, iBSS and ECID files with you.

6. What are the disadvantages of jailbreaking?

Thank you so much!

Now playing: 09. Franck - Panis angelicus
via FoxyTunes

Disadvatanges of jailbreaking include the slowing down o your iPhone in a certain percent. How much is unknown, but it's small.
Just want to carry on question 6 but in a "reverse manner" - What are the advantages of jailbreaking the phone?

I guess:
1. Getting apps (free) from Cydia?
2. Use torrented apps?
3. Unlock the phone so you can use other "unofficial" network providers

Any more?
Just want to carry on question 6 but in a "reverse manner" - What are the advantages of jailbreaking the phone?

I guess:
1. Getting apps (free) from Cydia?
2. Use torrented apps?
3. Unlock the phone so you can use other "unofficial" network providers

Any more?

4. Use "Tricker3G" and simular programs to run VOIP and Sling Player over the 3G Network.
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