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my friend wants me to jailbreak his iphone. He has his setup on pc, I use a mac, will that work or will i have to do it on a pc computer

No offense, but if I was your friend I would find someone else to JB my phone.

Reason for comment:
1: There is a Hack forum on MRs
2: It appears you did not do any research
3: Without research there is a probability you won't be successful on your first attempt.

Sources: Macruomers Hacking forum
Search on Youtube for Jailbreak and include the iphone model. You will see a step by step for doing this on Windows.

Edit: I know you want to know if you can do this on your MAC, and my honest answer is I don't know. But I don't need to know.
No offense, but if I was your friend I would find someone else to JB my phone.

Reason for comment:
1: There is a Hack forum on MRs
2: It appears you did not do any research
3: Without research there is a probability you won't be successful on your first attempt.

Sources: Macruomers Hacking forum
Search on Youtube for Jailbreak and include the iphone model. You will see a step by step for doing this on Windows.

Edit: I know you want to know if you can do this on your MAC, and my honest answer is I don't know. But I don't need to know.

yes your right i know there is and i did research and didn't find an answer. I went where i know i can get the quickest answer. The main forum. Also I have been jailbreaking iphones since day one. Only on macs though. I know jailbreaking on mac like the back of my hand. I just didn't know if there would be any compatabilty issues. He has a pc, but i only own a mac and he wants me to do it.

yes your right i know there is and i did research and didn't find an answer. I went where i know i can get the quickest answer. The main forum. Also I have been jailbreaking iphones since day one. Only on macs though. I know jailbreaking on mac like the back of my hand. I just didn't know if there would be any compatabilty issues. He has a pc, but i only own a mac and he wants me to do it.

OK, what would be the harm then on doing it on his PC? Then there would be no doubt. Hopefully someone will have a more accurate answer.
use redsn0w and current firmware update 3.0.1. It is almost exactly the same on mac and pc. check out dinozambas on youtube for step by step.

yes your right i know there is and i did research and didn't find an answer. I went where i know i can get the quickest answer. The main forum. Also I have been jailbreaking iphones since day one. Only on macs though. I know jailbreaking on mac like the back of my hand. I just didn't know if there would be any compatabilty issues. He has a pc, but i only own a mac and he wants me to do it.

Seriously, you looked? Here, tutorials for everything you want to know, windows and mac:

Pick one! :)
The title may have been written poorly. In the OP's defense, he is not asking how to jailbreak at all. He just wants to know if he can jailbreak an iPhone on his Mac that is intended to be used on a PC. It is not easy to search for an answer to that. I have searched in the past with no results.
The title may have been written poorly. In the OP's defense, he is not asking how to jailbreak at all. He just wants to know if he can jailbreak an iPhone on his Mac that is intended to be used on a PC. It is not easy to search for an answer to that. I have searched in the past with no results.

Ohhh. Well, that isn't clear from what he wrote.

Edit: Why doesn't he just JB on the pc?
I agree, not real clear, maybe english isn't his first language or maybe he was just tired. I would only assume he is just more comfortable on a mac. When I had never touched a Mac before, I wouldn't have wanted to try JB'ing on one. PC could be the same for him.

But, I'm only guessing :)
I agree, not real clear, maybe english isn't his first language or maybe he was just tired. I would only assume he is just more comfortable on a mac. When I had never touched a Mac before, I wouldn't have wanted to try JB'ing on one. PC could be the same for him.

But, I'm only guessing :)

Well, I think he wanted to know how to JB on a pc. So, the link I gave him should help. If that's not what he wants to do, well....
Well, I think he wanted to know how to JB on a pc. So, the link I gave him should help. If that's not what he wants to do, well....

While it is not clear in his first post, his second one (#4) is pretty clear. Your link is good if he decides not to use his computer. Either way, he should be fine.
iphone.aggie, I like your MRoogle link, is there an easy link to that from anywhere on the site?... other then searching for you every time :p
http://mroogle.*************/ ;)

LOL, or you could read the stickies. There's something called Pimping the MRoogle or something like that. When I first came on this site, I spent a lot of time reading all those and the rules (not that I follow them....okay I try most of the time....but bunnies come out some time).:)
I see, that too bad..... I guess if it were to easy, we would never get to see the occasional bunny, and who doesn't like bunnies!!? :D
reading the thread title this is not what I was expecting

Indeed. I suppose thats why so many people have viewed?

Mission accomplished.

OP- Yes it will work either way. After the jailbreak, be sure he syncs up with his machine.
I see, that too bad..... I guess if it were to easy, we would never get to see the occasional bunny, and who doesn't like bunnies!!? :D

People still wouldn't search, trust me. I could go on and on about the stuff I've seen. I mean, one guy wanted to know how to do ringtones in iTunes and said he searched??? I believe it used to be a sticky, but even so, all you have to is put ringtones into a search. You'll find the thread. Also, some even admit they were lazy.
Final answer is, the iPhone doesn't know and won't care if a PC or Mac is used.

Now if the 2 guys are competent to do it, that's another story. Hopefully the one is better at jailbreaking than he is at using Google.

Finally, most persons who claim they searched but didn't find an answer are just lazy. It is extremely rare not to find an answer using Google.


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