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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 19, 2019

I have an iPhone 4 that is my Main iPhone

I have a few questions about jailbreak::

  • Is it possible to restore iPhone via iTunes, then restore the backup if I did OTA? Would that make it non-OTA?
  • If not, are there package managers apart from Cydia that DO support OTA?
  • PanGu won't recognize my iPhone when I click Trust. I don't know why.
  • I heard that picture messaging gets destroyed when you JB. Is that just SMS and MMS (those I don't use) or iMessage too? (I use iMessage as my mains, and my Selfie Camera doesn't work so in FaceTime I have to iMessage pictures.)
  • And if I can't jailbreak for some reason, can someone include a link to Cydia Kit for iOS 7.1.2? I heard it doesn't need jailbreak but i can't find it online
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