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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2008
I think I'm going to jailbreak my iPhone 3G ( 2.1 ) tonight, but I have a couple of questions first.

I know I should first backup my current iPhone and save the backup file somewhere safe. Then after I've jailbroken the phone, can I restore that backup and my phone will still be jailbroken, or should I start as new phone and just resync?

If I decide to undo the jailbreak, how can I get it back to normal? Can apple tell if a phone was ever jailbroken in the past?
yes always back up before Jailbreak, Set up as a new phone and resync would be the better choice.

to get back to normal, connect to iTunes, and restore to factory defaults, NO Apple cannot tell if you jailbroke before if you restored to factory defaults. unless you're stupid and put the jailbreak apps to invisible and not restore and go to Apple store, and then yes they can find out.
Okay, I just did it, but when I resync'd it didn't add my contacts. How do I get those back?
Apparently there were none on my SIM card :( What if I restore my old 2.1 pre-jailbreak backup?
Nevermind, I figured it out. I ended up restoring settings from my backup and I still have Cydia and Installer.
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