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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 5, 2008
I've been an iPhone user since the initial launch last year. I currently have the 16GB 3G Black version.

I've never hacked my phone but my friend recently jailbroke his phone and it looks really cool. Before I go about jailbreaking my phone I have a few question to ask.

I'm AT&T so I do not need to unlock. I know QuickPwn will work on 2.0.2.

If I QuickPwn it now and installed themes, etc. will I be able to just plug it into iTunes do a restore to return it to its virgin state?

Is there any downside in having a jail broken phone?

Can I still use/download Apps Store Programs like it is in its virgin state?

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I've been an iPhone user since the initial launch last year. I currently have the 16GB 3G Black version.

I've never hacked my phone but my friend recently jailbroke his phone and it looks really cool. Before I go about jailbreaking my phone I have a few question to ask.

I'm AT&T so I do not need to unlock. I know QuickPwn will work on 2.0.2.

If I QuickPwn it now and installed themes, etc. will I be able to just plug it into iTunes do a restore to return it to its virgin state?


Is there any downside in having a jail broken phone?


Can I still use/download Apps Store Programs like it is in its virgin state?

Everyone keeps saying that there is no problem in jailbreaking, but the instructions in the sticky forum thread states that: when jailbreaking firmware 2.0.2 using QuickPwn that "Phone 3G Modem IS UPDATED. If you want to unlock it DO NOT update it or you may make it not possible in the future."

I tried to clarify it in another thread, but it sounds like we may not be able to unlock if we use QuickPwn on 2.0.2 in the future. That isn't a big deal now, but it seems like it could be a big deal in the future if we want to unlock the phones to sell after our contracts expire. Am I understanding this correctly?? I don't want to do this if it is not completely reversible.
There lies the problem. The baseband update may improve quality and function of the phone so in all reality you really should update but of course if unlocking is something you want to do in the future then it may prevent you.

All depends on what the dev team can do. I am still on jailbroken 2.0.1 cause it works pretty good. No signal issues or dropped calls but in all honesty when 2.1 comes around there may be some good improvements. The phone is still a little slow on 2.0.1 but not unbearable.
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