I've been an iPhone user since the initial launch last year. I currently have the 16GB 3G Black version.
I've never hacked my phone but my friend recently jailbroke his phone and it looks really cool. Before I go about jailbreaking my phone I have a few question to ask.
I'm AT&T so I do not need to unlock. I know QuickPwn will work on 2.0.2.
If I QuickPwn it now and installed themes, etc. will I be able to just plug it into iTunes do a restore to return it to its virgin state?
Is there any downside in having a jail broken phone?
Can I still use/download Apps Store Programs like it is in its virgin state?
Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I've never hacked my phone but my friend recently jailbroke his phone and it looks really cool. Before I go about jailbreaking my phone I have a few question to ask.
I'm AT&T so I do not need to unlock. I know QuickPwn will work on 2.0.2.
If I QuickPwn it now and installed themes, etc. will I be able to just plug it into iTunes do a restore to return it to its virgin state?
Is there any downside in having a jail broken phone?
Can I still use/download Apps Store Programs like it is in its virgin state?
Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks