Curious if there are any solutions yet for the new Apple TV unit after jailbreaking to be able to see content on a media server (such as Twonky - which is built right into my NAS or TVersity on my PC).. Both of those products transcode so they should be able to transcode any content to a compatible format with Apple TV, but who knows, maybe there are some other technical limitations..
I love the simplicity and form factor of the Apple TV, but loading all my content onto itunes onto my Mac is not going to work for me because I have 2TB of content in other formats on my NAS server and I don't want to have to convert it all and also leave a itunes computer on all the time! Maybe I should look at some other products on the market?
I love the simplicity and form factor of the Apple TV, but loading all my content onto itunes onto my Mac is not going to work for me because I have 2TB of content in other formats on my NAS server and I don't want to have to convert it all and also leave a itunes computer on all the time! Maybe I should look at some other products on the market?