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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 12, 2007
Stockbridge, Georgia
I was just trying to jailbreak my iPhone using the method at when I ran into a problem installing AppSnapp. After reading the AppSnapp F.A.Q. I found out that it's probaby because of #5, which says "I'm an AT&T customer, do I need this since it activates? AppSnapp is smart, if knows if you are an AT&T customer and doesn't try to activate if you already are activated."

So do any of you know a way I can jailbreak my iPhone even though it's already been activated by AT&T? I want to jailbreak the phone to get the installer app on there so I can install whatever apps I want and unlock the SIM so I can sell my iPhone to someone else. Can any of you pleeeease help me? I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks for reading this! :)
Brando88, Please if you want to help someone out here please do. However, it's in poor taste to blatantly advertise your own site and redirect users that come here asking for help.

I apologize if that is how it is coming off, however this is the only site that I visit on a regular basis and it where I notice many people asking the same questions over and over again.

I am not trying to "take business away" from here, or discredit the site in any way. I love it here.

I just thought that it would be beneficial to those that either don't like searching or don't do it for whatever reason to have one place to gather answers, instead of having to poke through all of the posts.

I only answer questions that are asked directly, or on here. It's just aggravating to type the same thing over and over for the lazy people in forums so i put it all together.

Im sorry if you took it wrong, or if I was less than clear...

(this might have been better as a personal message, not cluttering up the forums with you personal feelings)
Similar question...

Hello all,

So I've read all the FAQ and the all the Threads, but cant find an anwser to my issue. I appologize if its a repeat question!

I have a week 32, ATT activated, updated 1.1.2, jailbroken (works great), and unlocked Iphone. I used the Hack the Iphone Updating, and unlocking 1.1.2 firmware method. The phone went throught the whole process to the end with no issues.

Here is my question/issue. I want to use the ATT service in the states, but I travel out of the country often and want to be able to use local SIMs. I have an active movistar SIM from El Salvador that works on my unlocked Moto V360, but when a put in into the Iphone it does not work. It shows no signal bars or "No Service" and when I change the country to El Salvador on Iworld, the phone reboots, but no change. I also used my girlfriends ATT SIM (RAZR V3) with same results. Any info will be appreciated.

Merry xmas!
go to My iPhone Site

Edit* it has guides that answer the most common questions on this site, just put all in one place to reduce searching

I noticed that your instructions are for those using a Mac. Do you know of any instructions using Windows to jailbreak my AT&T-activated iPhone? I don't have a Mac yet. :(

edit: Oops! I see some Windows instructions in there. I'm sorry! Please forgive my ignorance.
Hello all,

So I've read all the FAQ and the all the Threads, but cant find an anwser to my issue. I appologize if its a repeat question!

I have a week 32, ATT activated, updated 1.1.2, jailbroken (works great), and unlocked Iphone. I used the Hack the Iphone Updating, and unlocking 1.1.2 firmware method. The phone went throught the whole process to the end with no issues.

Here is my question/issue. I want to use the ATT service in the states, but I travel out of the country often and want to be able to use local SIMs. I have an active movistar SIM from El Salvador that works on my unlocked Moto V360, but when a put in into the Iphone it does not work. It shows no signal bars or "No Service" and when I change the country to El Salvador on Iworld, the phone reboots, but no change. I also used my girlfriends ATT SIM (RAZR V3) with same results. Any info will be appreciated.

Merry xmas!

Are you saying that you jailbroke your iPhone after it was already activated by AT&T? The link you gave doesn't work, but I know where it was supposed to lead. The "easy" method for jailbreaking 1.1.2 using on using Windows doesn't make sense to me because it starts out already having the Installer app already on the iPhone. I can't do that because AppTapp is "smart" and won't install on any iPhone that's already been activated (according to the F.A.Q. section at
Yes, I've been using the Iphone ATT activated since august. I jailbroke it this past weeknend using the "jailbreaking Iphone 1.1.2 - A n00bs guide" from the forums here. The only thing I did different was on step 1.4. insted of using "iPHUC" I used Ibrick to kick-start out of recovery. The jailbreak is working fine, with no issues. Then I used the hacktheiphone guide to unlock it. The phone went through the process like guide said it should.

I had some issues dowgrading the baseband some I made a dedicted post earlier. I dont want to confuse anyone, but I needed some quick help...sorry.
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