I'm having trouble downloading QuickPWN on my husband's PC. I have already downloaded and jailbroke my iphone on my Mac. My question is, can I jailbreak his iphone on my Mac and then can he sync back with his PC where all his files are kept.
I'm having trouble downloading QuickPWN on my husband's PC. I have already downloaded and jailbroke my iphone on my Mac. My question is, can I jailbreak his iphone on my Mac and then can he sync back with his PC where all his files are kept.
Yes, definitely! Go ahead and break it with your mac and then have him sync it for the first time whit his own iTunes on his PC. QuickPWN is completely separate from iTunes and it's owner's rights management and copyrights, it simply works to unlock the phone to be able to accept custom lines of code, but the phone is still ultimately managed/controlled with iTunes.