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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
Philly, PA
Ok I am trying to jailbreak a 1 Gen iphone, I jailbroke my 1 Gen using QuickPWN no problems. I opened QuickPWN, connected the phone, were it would normally recognize which phone is connected, this time it did nothing. So move forward, I download RedSn0w and it stuck on processing Firmware.

Thank You
Did you point redsn0w to the correct ipsw ??

Sounds like you pointed it to the Custom ipsw.

Use Google and get a tutorial !!

Hint: Redsn0w needs the original Apple "restore" ipsw.

Thank You very much, I was pointing it to a mirror ipsw. I found a good one and everything worked out fine.
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