Hi guys,
I am a frustrated O2 user. Like many of you I bought the first iPhone on the evening of release, waiting 2 hours in a CPW (I know I know) whilst their tills crashed and paying a lot of money for the privilege. I then queued up on a Friday morning to purchase the 3G on day of release and sign a new 18 month contract. Like many of you I was extremely annoyed by O2s insistence that if I wanted a 3GS I would have to buy a PAYG (£440 minimum) or pay up the remainder of my contract, pay for the phone and sign another new 18 month contract hence missing the new iPhone that Apple will surely release next year.
To be honest with you the only thing that I wanted the 3GS for was the video recording. The extra speed would be lovely, extra battery would be great, compass doesn't interest me, voice control would be rarely used and the extra storage space (if I got the 32gb) would be nice. But the video recording was the killer app for me. However I tried to justify it to myself I just could not bring myself to spend £440 on another phone just to get video recording. Yes I could sell my old 3G but it would still cost me £140 to get a 3GS, would I really use the video recording that much?
Enter Jailbreaking. I discovered that people with jailbroken iPhone 3G's have been able to record video for quite a while with a program called CyCorder. So the quality isn't as good as the 3GS, it doesn't have the nifty edit trimming thing and I am not quite sure on how to get the videos off the iPhone but what the heck it must be worth a try right?
After one failed attempt when redsn0w exited unexpectedly and it took 5 minutes for my phone to boot back up (my heart was racing at this point!) I successfully jailbroke my phone, updated Cydia and downloaded CyCorder. It works perfectly and the video is more than watchable. I haven't had a chance to play with it a lot yet and like I said I need to figure out how to get the video off the iPhone but it will do me just fine.
For anybody out there like me who was really after the 3GS for the video recording aspect try jailbreaking and getting CyCorder, it is very easy to do and might just save you a ton of money.
My next move will be to unlock the iPhone 3G and come the end of my contract in January I will switch to PAYG (not on O2) and will be very clear to the rep on the phone that my reasoning for not continuing on my contract is O2s policy of not allowing iPhone 3G users to upgrade to the 3GS for a reasonable price. Sure I might have to go back to O2 next summer when the next iPhone is released but I will make my point whilst I can.
I am a frustrated O2 user. Like many of you I bought the first iPhone on the evening of release, waiting 2 hours in a CPW (I know I know) whilst their tills crashed and paying a lot of money for the privilege. I then queued up on a Friday morning to purchase the 3G on day of release and sign a new 18 month contract. Like many of you I was extremely annoyed by O2s insistence that if I wanted a 3GS I would have to buy a PAYG (£440 minimum) or pay up the remainder of my contract, pay for the phone and sign another new 18 month contract hence missing the new iPhone that Apple will surely release next year.
To be honest with you the only thing that I wanted the 3GS for was the video recording. The extra speed would be lovely, extra battery would be great, compass doesn't interest me, voice control would be rarely used and the extra storage space (if I got the 32gb) would be nice. But the video recording was the killer app for me. However I tried to justify it to myself I just could not bring myself to spend £440 on another phone just to get video recording. Yes I could sell my old 3G but it would still cost me £140 to get a 3GS, would I really use the video recording that much?
Enter Jailbreaking. I discovered that people with jailbroken iPhone 3G's have been able to record video for quite a while with a program called CyCorder. So the quality isn't as good as the 3GS, it doesn't have the nifty edit trimming thing and I am not quite sure on how to get the videos off the iPhone but what the heck it must be worth a try right?
After one failed attempt when redsn0w exited unexpectedly and it took 5 minutes for my phone to boot back up (my heart was racing at this point!) I successfully jailbroke my phone, updated Cydia and downloaded CyCorder. It works perfectly and the video is more than watchable. I haven't had a chance to play with it a lot yet and like I said I need to figure out how to get the video off the iPhone but it will do me just fine.
For anybody out there like me who was really after the 3GS for the video recording aspect try jailbreaking and getting CyCorder, it is very easy to do and might just save you a ton of money.
My next move will be to unlock the iPhone 3G and come the end of my contract in January I will switch to PAYG (not on O2) and will be very clear to the rep on the phone that my reasoning for not continuing on my contract is O2s policy of not allowing iPhone 3G users to upgrade to the 3GS for a reasonable price. Sure I might have to go back to O2 next summer when the next iPhone is released but I will make my point whilst I can.