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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2002
Which software do you feel is the most reliable and frequently updated. I also apply this to any teams or services currently out there doing it. I'm purchasing a phone to be jailbroken and am looking for the best avenue to take.

In addition to my first question, do you guys recommend purchasing a jailbroke phone online (Ebay) or buying one myself and having it sent off to be JB? OR trying to do it myself but my confidence level is a little low. Perhaps there is someone in the forums I could pay to have it done...? SO I don't have to pay $300-$400 dollars for someone on Ebay to do it.

Thanks again.
In addition to my first question, do you guys recommend purchasing a jailbroke phone online (Ebay) or buying one myself and having it sent off to be JB? OR trying to do it myself but my confidence level is a little low. Perhaps there is someone in the forums I could pay to have it done...? SO I don't have to pay $300-$400 dollars for someone on Ebay to do it.

Thanks again.

PLEASE don't pay someone to do it. Not exaggerating, if you can make a post on here, you have enough skill to jailbreak an iphone. There's really nothing to it. Just follow the on screen instructions and do what it says and you'll be fine

And it's that simple using the redsn0w software recommended here? I would hate to ruin my phone.

I'm looking into the software. Currently the Redsn0w website appears to be down. Where do I aquire the latest JB software package from them? Anyone?


And it's that simple using the redsn0w software recommended here? I would hate to ruin my phone.

I'm looking into the software. Currently the Redsn0w website appears to be down. Where do I aquire the latest JB software package from them? Anyone?


Yes, redsn0w is that simple. You can download it here:

and Are you getting a 3G or the 3GS?

and this phone cannot be "bricked" via jailbreaking. Search around to see some of the things that can go wrong (NOT from the software, just operator error) and see how to fix them. You can usually just start the whole process over again.

I'm not sure if you can still do this now that 3.1 is out, but be sure to get your iBSS and iBEC files before you jailbreak if it's a 3GS. Google around and you'll know what they do and how to get them. This step is a little trickier, but NOTHING can go wrong doing it. I might just take a couple tries.

AND other people, please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this or if there are loose ends that need tying up.
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