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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 11, 2008
I, for the record, don't think Jailbreaking sucks, but I just wanted to profess my frustration.

So, I decided to bite the bullet and finally try doing some jailbreaking.

Being the smart (or so I thought) guy that I am, I wanted to first try everything on my old 1st Gen iPhone that I now use only for its iPod functionality, so that I could avoid breaking my 3g (This turns out to be a good move). I, for the record, have a BlackBook purchased in early 08.

I tried using both QuickPwn and the Pwntool, but could never get the phone in DFU mode. I may have, somewhere along the way, tried to restore the Custom firmware from iTunes while in Recovery mode.

Regardless, I'm now stuck in Recovery Mode, and the unit continues to reboot. I've tried using Ziphone and INdependence to get the unit out of Recovery Mode, but neither could find the phone.

I've seen this question asked several times, but no answers... At least none that helped me.
try holding home and power buttons at same time for bout 30-40 seconds ..let me know
No change... I guess I should also add that I've restoring from itunes, and just get an error 21 (if I try 2.2) or an error 5 (if I try anything older).
andy: Thanks, but I can't use any of those tutorials at this point because I'm stuck in recovery. iTunes, QuickPwn, PwnageTool, ZipPhone, Independence... nothing will recognize that the phone is plugged in (other that itunes right before it tells me the restore fails).
Hmm, Check out this thread of mine I posted 2 days ago.

I was having a lot of trouble trying to jailbreak mine as well. I ended up jailbreaking my iPhone 3G, but I had to use my Windows desktop. It wouldn't work for some reason on my Mac.

Try reading my last post in that thread. Tell me how it all goes!
andy: Thanks, but I can't use any of those tutorials at this point because I'm stuck in recovery. iTunes, QuickPwn, PwnageTool, ZipPhone, Independence... nothing will recognize that the phone is plugged in (other that itunes right before it tells me the restore fails).

I had a similar problem and it was caused by a couple of problems. 1) I was using a USB hub. Plug directly into a port or switch ports. 2) Corrupt ispw file. I had to delete and create a new one with pwnage. Also try turning the phone off and see if it will reboot and start the process over.
Finally got iTunes to to restore firmware; it worked when I changed USB ports. Which is funny, because I'm 99% sure I'd tried that already (I've switched USB cables, tried power cycling the Macbook, power cycled the iPhone, EVERYTHING I could think of (at least all the simple stuff)).

So I will try, yet again, to get the damn thing into DFU mode.
Now, Pwnagetool told me I sucessfully got into DFU (first time, ever), but iTunes said it couldn't properly identify, and to reconnect. And it never identifies.

This blows.
Finally got iTunes to to restore firmware; it worked when I changed USB ports. Which is funny, because I'm 99% sure I'd tried that already (I've switched USB cables, tried power cycling the Macbook, power cycled the iPhone, EVERYTHING I could think of (at least all the simple stuff)).

So I will try, yet again, to get the damn thing into DFU mode.

Like I said I had the same problem. You might try restarting everything as well. Clear out all of the buffers.
Now, Pwnagetool told me I sucessfully got into DFU (first time, ever), but iTunes said it couldn't properly identify, and to reconnect. And it never identifies.

This blows.

Did you check out the link to the thread I posted earlier? Are you having the same problems?

The only solution I found was to jailbreak using QuickPwn on a Windows machine :/
M-5: Thanks, that's what did it.

I don't really, unfortunately, have the option of using a Windows box (I'm doing some extended traveling, like three months in the same hotel room extended).

now that I'm in DFU mode, I continue to get the 2001 error (every time I restart itunes while connected).
M-5: Thanks, that's what did it.

I don't really, unfortunately, have the option of using a Windows box (I'm doing some extended traveling, like three months in the same hotel room extended).

now that I'm in DFU mode, I continue to get the 2001 error (every time I restart itunes while connected).

Unplug the iPhone. Restart iTunes and plug the iPhone back in. After thought. Is your Mac running 10.5.6?
Andy, thanks for your help.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get that fix to work properly, and I'm SOL.

So, no go on the Jailbreaking now.
(I am, ironically, stuck in Recovey Mode again)
Hmm, that fix worked fine for me when my phone freaked out and I had to restore and rebreak, do you have a different computer you can use?
(I am, ironically, stuck in Recovey Mode again)

im not sure if this will help you, because from the sound of it you dont even finish jailbreaking, but maybe i can at least help someone who comes here looking for a fix

if you get it jailbroken but get stuck in a cycle of apple logo reboots with it never finishing, force it into DFU and restore

then, when you re jailbreak, do it without any apps on the phone
this will allow it to work like a charm. then you can load all your apps on
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