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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 13, 2008
I have a macbook pro with 10.5.5 and a 3g 2.2 Iphone. I have jailbroken my iphone after the 2.2 quickpwn release without problem, but I recently had to restore my iphone and now I can't jailbreak at all.

I have tried pawnage tool, quickpawn, but no joy.

What is the trick?
I have a macbook pro with 10.5.5 and a 3g 2.2 Iphone. I have jailbroken my iphone after the 2.2 quickpwn release without problem, but I recently had to restore my iphone and now I can't jailbreak at all.

I have tried pawnage tool, quickpawn, but no joy.

What is the trick?

The only time I've ever had trouble getting the JB to work was when I tried to do it with 6 pages of apps installed. I took all the apps off and did it again with success. Other than that, I don't know any tricks...
Thanks for the reply.

I just don't get it. I have 10.5.5 on my Macbook Pro, I have been trying to use both Quickpwn 2.2 as well as Pwnage Tool in simple and expert mode.

With Quickpwn, when I get to the step where I let go of the reset button after 10 seconds, it goes to the next window where it is trying to load and then it hangs. I have to do a "force quit" after that and then hold both the power button and home button for about 10 seconds to get the iphone to power back on.

When I use Pwnage Tool, it starts off like it will work, get to the dfu mode, but Itunes 8.0.2 says it can't determine the Ipod (or something like that) in a red error window, and the iphone is locked again where I have to hold both buttons to turn back on again.

I don't get it. I have not ever had this kind of trouble before. What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure your on 10.5.5, cause these all sounds like the probelsm with jailbreaking on 10.5.6 where it can't go into DFU mode, so I suggest trying a USB hub.
Are you sure your on 10.5.5, cause these all sounds like the probelsm with jailbreaking on 10.5.6 where it can't go into DFU mode, so I suggest trying a USB hub.

Yeah, that's what is so puzzling. Definately 10.5.5 OS X

try fully restoring and jailbreaking.Download a fresh coppy of quickpwn.

If all fails, since your phone has been jailbroken before, I can send you the modified firmware to restore with, or you can search the web for one.
try fully restoring and jailbreaking.Download a fresh coppy of quickpwn.

If all fails, since your phone has been jailbroken before, I can send you the modified firmware to restore with, or you can search the web for one.[/QUOT

That would be great. Send away!

I am using a new Macbook Pro, but I downgraded the OS to 10.5.5 by reloading OS without running the OS update.
The Aluminum Unibody MacBook Pro's won't do DFU mode without plugging the iPhone into a USB hub.
Does it have to be a powered USB hub, that plugs into a power outlet?

I think it does. There's a hack you can apply on your machine if you feel you can pull it off. It's on the dev-team website.
You guys rock! I got my powered USB hub and I am JAILBROKEN once again!

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your input and this forum.

I am curious... what is it about the Macbook Pro (New Unibody) that makes this an issue? BTW, for whatever it's worth, this new Macbook Pro is one sweet computer... I love it!

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