Ok i know close to nothing about this, im sure its well covered in these forums, although i cant seem to find it.
Sooo, i want to jailbreak my iphone 3g w/ the new 3.0 fireware, and my friend is going to do it but he claims alot of times you will lose all your contacts and other info when you do it, is this true? I know he uses either quickpwn or pwnage tool, which one is better? Also ive heard of free apps and what not but what are some other major benefits of having an unlocked iphone??
Sooo, i want to jailbreak my iphone 3g w/ the new 3.0 fireware, and my friend is going to do it but he claims alot of times you will lose all your contacts and other info when you do it, is this true? I know he uses either quickpwn or pwnage tool, which one is better? Also ive heard of free apps and what not but what are some other major benefits of having an unlocked iphone??