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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 15, 2004
bay area, CA
I have a 3G iPhone with ATT service. After updating to 2.2 with iTunes I ran quickpwn to jailbreak. I now have no cellular data connection at all. I have searched all over the web trying to find a fix. As of now I expect to do an exchange sometime this week.

Please help me.
I have a 3G iPhone with ATT service. After updating to 2.2 with iTunes I ran quickpwn to jailbreak. I now have no cellular data connection at all. I have searched all over the web trying to find a fix. As of now I expect to do an exchange sometime this week.

Please help me.

Sometimes a restore then re-jailbreak is the only answer.
I have already tried a restore. I don't care about jailbreaking anymore. I just want my edge/3g back.

If you have restored the phone back to factory settings you might need to change the APN in Settings> General> Network> Cellular Data network and make sure that the entry for APN is correct for AT&T I have no idea about AT&T's settings but I am sure you can find out from their website in the iphone activation settings.

This might be the problem, I am not sure as I am not on your iphone but it's a common problem after restoring the iphone.
try again!

I have had the same issues and have had to restore over 4 times before it worked. I even downgraded back to 2.1 but this failed as well. Patience and resilience is necessary this time round...:cool:
you may need to call AT&T and have them activate your data connection cuz it sounds like they accidentally bumped you off. i've had this happen to me before, they took care of it over the phone with ease.
you may need to call AT&T and have them activate your data connection cuz it sounds like they accidentally bumped you off. i've had this happen to me before, they took care of it over the phone with ease.

That worked. I called and they said that I had a 2G iPhone and no data plan. Had to give them my IMEI number and everything is fixed now. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
Full network but no #G connection

I jailbroke my phone with 2.2, I can use the data with Edge but not with 3G what am I doing wrong here, it tells me "Could not activate cellular data network"

Please help!!!

Thank you
I jailbroke my phone with 2.2, I can use the data with Edge but not with 3G what am I doing wrong here, it tells me "Could not activate cellular data network"

Please help!!!

Thank you

I think what caused my problems was that quickpwn grabbed the firmware for the 2G iPhone and not the 3G iPhone. Sounds like this happened to you too. It probably removed the iPhone 3G data plan. I would restore your phone through iTunes and call AT&T and tell them that 3G doesn't work. They will ask you for your IMEI number which can be found in Settings > General > About. Make sure you call from a different phone than the one you need fixed.
So, do I call them before I jailbreak it again or after I jailbreak it, cause I restored my phone back to factory settings and now my 3G works..

Please let me know cause I really want to use my iphone as a modem :D
You don't need to call AT&T then. Just try to jailbreak it again and make sure that it selects the right firmware. The iPhone 3G firmware title is iPhone1,2_2.2_5G77_Restore.ipsw.
Quickpwn seems hit or miss. Try it again and hope for the best. It sounds like you did it right the first time. You are using Quickpwn 2.2 right?
yes it's working now, I think I can use both Edge and 3G now, got one more question, can I still use itunes??

and what are not to do's??? don't select firmware when you Qwickpwn. Qwickpwn uses the firmware ON YOUR PHONE. You either have it on your phone or you don't.
You can still use iTunes. I have read that it is not a good idea to install a program called Kate. Cydia is way better than Installer and the first thing you should download is Cycorder. Enjoy the freedom.
so you are saying I should have just installed cydia only and not the installer also, well I will take it out than, if I dont' need it. why put too much stuff if I dont' need it..

pwnbroker chooses the frimware itself so I think Bear is right.. when I hit the browse button, there was no choices...
so you are saying I should have just installed cydia only and not the installer also, well I will take it out than, if I dont' need it. why put too much stuff if I dont' need it..

pwnbroker chooses the frimware itself so I think Bear is right.. when I hit the browse button, there was no choices...

I'm not familiar with pwnbroker. Only pwnage tool (which allows you to build custom ipsw...this one you do select the firmware, and you have the option to not put installer on there under expert mode), and Qwikpwn which modifies the firmware on your phone (you do not select the firmware).
Bear, you are correct that Quickpwn uses the firmware on your phone. I should have said Pwnage Tool. It sounds like he got it working now. And yes, Installer sucks.
sorry it was my mistake it's quickpwn, so can I just delete that installer from my iphone??

and I also wanted to know, can I used itunes to add songs and videos in my iphone??

and yes that cyrcorder is really cool, now my iphone can record videos yahooo!!!
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